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Thread: HCG end cycle

  1. #1

    HCG end cycle

    Hi guys, today is the last pin of my cycle, I ran
    Test E - 450 x12 weeks
    Eq - 600 x 12 weeks.
    I've been taking small doses of hcg every week since week 7. 500 iu per week.
    I started ramping it up to last week to 2 doses of 500 iu.

    I Have just started noticing a little pea size hard lump under my left nipple, and it is somewhat tender. I really want to continue using HCG for the next 2 weeks and then start my nolva/clomid pct, My question is Should I start taking nolva 20 mg a day with my hcg starting now? Is there anything wrong with not waiting the 2 weeks after my last T pin to start taking nolva? Thank you.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    wow i know this is old but its knew to me- b anyway since your cycle was over 6months ago i will still answer question. it is so funny to me about these pct threads because you 18-29 year olds know so little about pct. the same questions answered hundreds of different ways --i.e.-hcg during cycle hcg after last shot and the most comical was the post that states a "pct calculator" to see when to administer your hcg or pct supplies. anyway it was filled by dozens of people then asking "how long after my deca shot. or how many days after my tren dose. should i wait 4 weeks until i do hcg.? TRUTH IS ALL THESE FORUM "GURU'S WANT YOU TO DO LOADS OF ARIMADEX OR SOME FAKE OR LOW DOSED VERSION THAT THEY SUPPLY.ALSO LOADS OF LETROZOL OR THERE VERSION OF IT, ALSO THERE VERSION OF TAMOXIFEN OR NOVALDEX. OF COURCE NO HCG BECAUSE THEY DONT MAKE IT , AND THOSE PILLS WITH NO MARKINGS ARE WAY MORE CHEAP TO MAKE THAN 1 AMP OF GONADOTROPHIN POWDER AND ONE AMP OF BACTERIOSTATIC-WATER. NOW YOU GO AHEAD AND TAKE YOUR NOVALDEX WITH YOUR HCG . to combat the estrogen being released along side the natural test output. and then keep the novaldex going for a few weeks after cessation of the hcg. also to save you time and money please look up bill roberts pct theory. and thatsjust what they all are THEORIES not SCIENCE. but when and if it works for you than it becomes FACT. good luck mr.dakim sorry i wasn't here to help you sooner but i believe mr. roberts will help out tremendously.
    Last edited by joeyzaza; 01-30-2011 at 06:28 AM.

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