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Thread: PCT after 9 months on

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    Your GF's house

    PCT after 9 months on

    I've been on for about nine months. I've got 15000iu of HGC, and 100 each of clomid and nolva. How would u guys dose this out? I was thinking about throwing some GHRP-6 in to and was curious about dosage on that to.
    Last edited by dirtybrd; 02-11-2011 at 06:34 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    Golden state
    wow long time mate post up your stats and what you used?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    Your GF's house
    I was using T500 and EQ300 once a week. I only put on 10-12lbs. My receptors became saturated and just maintained the weight. I went through a few personal issues so I decided to stay on through them so my lack of motivation/appetite didnt cause the loss of my gains. I started lowering my dose toward the end and felt my balls kick back on. But now I've been off for two weeks and it's PCT time. Not smart, but it is what it is, LOL!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    Golden state
    Dont wanna spoon feed ya just check out the basic pct protocol..

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    Can't tell you about pct (never done one).

    I can tell you about HGH:
    1-U-100 insulin syringe, pin first thing in the morning (6 or 7 am) in the belly area (sub or intra), wait one hour then eat your regular food.
    2-Mix with bac water or vitamin b12 (ar-r sells syringe too)
    3-starts your dose at 2ui/day and rump up 0,5ui/week until you reach your dosage (goal)
    4-keep in the refrigerator your hgh and the mixed ones.
    5-Make sure you have T4, take 100mg/day at bed time.
    6-chose a protocol, like 3days on 1day off, or, 5days on 2days of, or, 6days on 2days off.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    Your GF's house
    I'm not into using growth, but thanks! I'm just looking for PCT info using what I have at hand. I need more info on the HGC then the nolva and clomid. I'm thinking 5000iu twice the first week and the 2500iu twice the second week, then PCT normally with the other. After PCT Ill start using the HGRP-6 until my next test based cycle.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    Sunny Australia!
    Check out Swifto's thread on PCT in the PCT section, and go with the aggressive pct protocol

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