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Thread: HCG mixing and usage advice

  1. #1

    HCG mixing and usage advice

    I want to run a 12week test only cycle and would like to run HCG at 250iu starting at week four until two weeks before pct. I just want to be sure I am mixing correctly...

    I have four amp bottles of 5000iu powder and four .5cc mil solution bottles.
    If i carefully mix solution amp and the powder amp together that might equal 1cc at 5000iu. Correct?

    Then in separate 10cc vial add 9ml bacteriostatic water and previously mix solution would give me 10cc = hcg @ 500iu Correct?

    Can I add .5cc (250iu hcg) to my test injection twice week or do it on separate days? And more important where do you get BC water?

    Thanks in advance for any help

  2. #2

    Bump pls help

    please where do I get BC water?? and does my dosing seem right? anyone

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    USA and many other places

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    dose is right, 10 ml into 5000iu = 500iu per ml

    water and oil dont mix, do the hcg sub q, get insulin needles

    you can google bacteriostatic water, theres a place im missouri that sells 30ml vials for $3 a piece, ive used them, they delivered

  5. #5
    Thank you for the response.... forgive my ignorance but if i 5000iu into 10ml solution couldnt i draw .5 cc in separate syringe? Why would I need insulin pins? what do you mean by sub q?

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by muddy09 View Post
    Thank you for the response.... forgive my ignorance but if i 5000iu into 10ml solution couldnt i draw .5 cc in separate syringe? Why would I need insulin pins? what do you mean by sub q?
    Muddy...can't help with all your questions, but HCG is injected just under the skin...called sub-Q for subcutaneous. You aren't injecting much solution, so you use a diabetic syringe which doesn't hold much and has a very small diameter and short needle...minimizes any pain. You can get diabetic syringes at many pharmacies and of course, over the internet.

    An IM injection, which most use for injecting testosterone, means intramuscular...into the muscle. These are normally longer needle/larger diameter syringes.

    I'll be asking about HCG at my next doctor appointment...that's about all I can help with here. Good luck.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2010
    I just mix 2ml of BAC with 5000iu of HCG I preload 20pins to .1 ml on a 1/2 cc pin

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