Well, I´ve ran into trouble this time alright...
Ran a 6 week cycle, tbol @ 50mg and test prop 125mg EOD... PCT was clomid 100/100/50/50 and nolva 40/40/20/20. I´ve ran a small HCG dose twice a week @ 500ui and I never really felt shut down through PCT, it was a breeze. Nothing anormal or anything. 2 weeks now, after PCT is done I´m feeling a sudently estogen rebound. I have some hot flashes during the day and at night, and I´m starting to feel a small lump under my right nipple.
I´ve jumped on Nolva @ 40mg again. What is the protocol in something as this? Can you give some advice?
I have Letro just in case. Should I start tapering on it?
Thanks in advance