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Thread: Torem or Clomid?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2011

    Torem or Clomid?

    Hey everyone,

    I have seen a lot of information saying that tamox and torem are pretty much equivalent.

    With my upcoming cycle I was planning on using tamox and torem during PCT. I was wondering if I should swap out the torem for clomid? Which one is better, and why? If anyone could shed some light on my question thatd be great.

    Thank Guys

  2. #2
    Torem is usually the staple. Meaning, what alternates is the clomid or the tamox. (e.g Torem + Tamox, Torem + Clomid)

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
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    What's ur cycle?

    Nolva is staple not tore, that's a new drug that does same thing as tamox
    Go with clomid and nolva and hcg for ur pct

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    No Sources Given
    I would personally suggest Tamox and Torem for PCT and would incorporat HCG on cycle not during PCT.

    You can use either Clomid or Torem in conjunction with Tamox with great results and while clomid may score slightly higher in some side by side tests with patients looking strictly at labwork on the other hand Torem is super friendly whereas Clomid is well known for causing a variety of side effects that will hinder ones recovery in a PCT situation therefore I feel Torem is usually a much better choice for PCT. As far as when to use HCG its a lot easier to maintain testicular function by using 250IU's twice per wk while on cycle, than it is to try to restore it at the end of the cycle by using it during PCT.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by Lemonada8 View Post
    What's ur cycle?

    Nolva is staple not tore, that's a new drug that does same thing as tamox
    Go with clomid and nolva and hcg for ur pct
    I agree that nolva (tamox) seems to be the staple I was just trying to be convinced in one direction, torem or clomid.

    My cycle is a 12 week test cyp cycle dosed at 400 mg a week

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by Far from massive View Post
    I would personally suggest Tamox and Torem for PCT and would incorporat HCG on cycle not during PCT.

    You can use either Clomid or Torem in conjunction with Tamox with great results and while clomid may score slightly higher in some side by side tests with patients looking strictly at labwork on the other hand Torem is super friendly whereas Clomid is well known for causing a variety of side effects that will hinder ones recovery in a PCT situation therefore I feel Torem is usually a much better choice for PCT. As far as when to use HCG its a lot easier to maintain testicular function by using 250IU's twice per wk while on cycle, than it is to try to restore it at the end of the cycle by using it during PCT.
    Tamox + Torem is the side I was leaning towards, just wanted to see if someone had some mind changing information

  7. #7
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    tamox and tore are the same thing, they affect the same receptor. So taking the same thing at a lower dose of both is just about the same as taking nolva only pct which has been done in the past. the whole tore thing is a new addition in the last year or so and even in the studies done its not better than tamox, and in some cases worse so personally i'd do a nolva only pct, with HCG ran throughout the cycle.

    personally wouldnt do cyp but thats my 2 cents :P would go with prop cuz its so much faster acting and get in, get off, get out mentality lol

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by Lemonada8 View Post
    What's ur cycle?

    Nolva is staple not tore, that's a new drug that does same thing as tamox
    Go with clomid and nolva and hcg for ur pct
    Not anymore. Torem has been slowly taking place of Tamox. It is similar to Tamox, but also safer and improves lipid profiles better.

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