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  1. #1
    BigSwol's Avatar
    BigSwol is offline Associate Member
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    Gyno flareup during ..what to do post? Need hlp

    Ok currently on week 6 of dbol test deca ...having gyno symptoms. Small lump/s under left nip. Sometimes tender nothing insane though. WS taking ldex during at .5 Ed. Now I added b-6 200mg Ed and nolva at 40mg Ed. So far so good...feels a tad smaller, and is less sensitive.

    Question is what should I do post? I was going to run nolva alongside an OTC test booster...but that wAs pretty mild cuz I was taking hcg during to keep from atrophy. Since the gyno though I cut the plan is Aromasin for pct at 12.5 Ed for 4 weeks then mayb follow that 4 weeks of nolva and the OTC test booster? I dunno kinda need some input? Fig aromasin and nolva together would b overkill yes? I just dont wanna overkill the pct length also?

  2. #2
    THE-DET-OAK is offline Banned
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    Between your girls thighs
    This may come as a different opinon than most and i have never tried it so take it with a grain of salt. if I had gyno issues going into PCT I would not even run a SERM, I would run 2.5mg of letro and smash ALL estrogen. this will also recover your HPTA due to the negative feedback loop.

  3. #3
    Dont wanna be old's Avatar
    Dont wanna be old is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    I would run letro asap to stop tenderness .
    Your in week 6 . If problematic it could get worse .
    Fastest source I know is AAR guys at the top . Not crazy about them but will fix the problem .
    Don't be afraid of loose in strength as it's temporary until estrogen recovers .

    Good luck
    Dont wanna be old

  4. #4
    THE-DET-OAK is offline Banned
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    Between your girls thighs
    and if you do run the letro drop the SERM cause it makes the letro less effective, marginally.

    PS: DWBO, ive seen a few members here from michigan lately, and thats unusual for me, thats where im at, good ol rusty broke down DET.

  5. #5
    BigSwol's Avatar
    BigSwol is offline Associate Member
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    Ok couple more thoughts. I was talking to a bro who suggested letro also. What dose? Also run it till symptoms r gone, few days after...week longer, etc? What about oaks sug: run it post? That neg feedback loop is what worries me though? Once stopped ...will estro spring back hard? Would that be the time to pop nolva?? Ok so that's many questions...I can't count or spell. Oh well?

    What I'm thinking is one of two? Letro now till things go bye bye...let's says that's a week or two...things r down just from what I been doing already...l dex and nolva, so if I switch to letro...kill it, then ride out rest of cycle back with the nolva 20mg Ed and a/l dex at .25 or .5 Ed. Once cycle is finished, so actual pct...aromasin 12.5 along with nolva? Or just aromasin & OTC test booster/ corto blocker?

    Ps thanks fellas for the input...much appreciated

  6. #6
    THE-DET-OAK is offline Banned
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    Between your girls thighs
    I stick to the letro in PCT idea, you could dd nolva when tapering, or just tapering down and you should be fine. problem with adding nolva is it decrease the effect of letro, so tapering letro with nolva doesnt make sense to me.
    Last edited by THE-DET-OAK; 05-09-2011 at 02:32 PM.

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