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    Leftrightleft is offline New Member
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    May 2011

    PCT Research For My First Cycle ( Read the Stickies) Would appreciate any input

    I'm planning on starting my first cycle in approximately 2-3 months but I'm not in a rush without knowing exactly what I am doing, after reading all the stickies I think I'm even more confused on the varying methods. I would appreciate ANY input

    I am

    27 (turning 28)
    14% BF
    Experience 10 years of weight training, finally deciding to try a cycle

    My friend is a trainer and has 10+ years experience with cycling, he tells me I should try a cycle of Test-E@450mg per week for 12 weeks along with Deca for 10 weeks. I've read that it is a better idea to start with Test-E by itself, but he recommended that the Deca is necessary and highly beneficial for the first cycle.

    I read Dino's thread where he suggested running Letrozole for 2 weeks prior to the cycle, and Phedeno's thread on running the PCT 14-21 days AFTER the last injection.

    My 3 questions are:

    1) What SERM do you suggest running during this cycle? Is Nolva at 10mg ED for 15 weeks during the cycle sound about right?
    2) Should you start your PCT right after your last injection or wait 14-21 days as suggested by some users? And at what dosage?
    3) When using Letrozole 2 weeks prior, do you stop during your cycle?

    Here is the cycle I found from another forum, I would highly appreciate any input on how to use the SERMS\PCT for a Test\Deca cycle before\during\and after. Again I am doing my homework way before actually starting my cycle, hope I can get some guidance


    Week 1,2: Nolva 10mg ED, L-dex .25mg ED
    Week 3 - 8: Nolva 10mg ED, L-dex .25 ED
    Week 9 - 12: Nolva 10mg ED, L-dex .25 ED
    Week 13 - 14: Nolva 10mg ED, L-dex .25 ED
    Week 15 - 17: Nolva 10mg ED, L-dex .25 ED

    Week 18: PCT:
    Day 1 300mg Clomid / 20mg Nolva / .25mg L-dex
    Day 2 - 30 100mg Clomid / 20mg Nolva / .25mg L-dex
    Day 31 - 37 20mg Nolva / .25mg L-dex
    Last edited by Leftrightleft; 05-20-2011 at 02:01 AM.

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