New bloodwork is in.. trying to push for an endo, need help!! 51 Free test in p/MoL

Hey guys, I did make a post a good month or so ago as I finally got around to getting a copy of my previous blood work that was done last October (the 28th). In a nut shell, I was dumb and stupid at the age of 19 to start running long cycles AND cycles with their PCT but went right back on a few weeks after the PCT had finished.

My last thread had results of my FREE TEST AT 33.0 P/moL and my TOTAL TEST AT 7.2 p/moL..........

MY NEW bloodwork that was done last week came back at FREE TEST AT 51 P/moL and my TOTAL TEST AT 9 p/moL

Few questions:

How does it look? I mean it sure is an upgrade since October 28th but am not totally happy of it as It's just on edge of normal in my opinion.

Also, I tried making up some shit about not being able to hard hard and my hair not growing back etc and he gave me a few cialis in which he said to "try out" .. he said if it works or doesnt work is the result of me possibly seeing an endo, So my question is Should I just say it doesn't work to be able to get sent to an endo???