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Thread: Erection difficulty while taking Cialis?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2011

    Erection difficulty while taking Cialis?

    I finished a cycle of Test and Dianabol, and am starting my fourth week of PCT. I am completely unable to get an erection, even after using Cialis. Its been like this for a couple of weeks. Any ideas why this could be? This is my fourth cycle, and the Cialis has always worked fine in the past. I'm fairly concerned at this point... Can low test stop an erection, even with Cialis? I still barely get a semi-erection in the morning, but its gone very fast.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    I <3 Ronnie Rowland
    I had huge problems with taking Cia/Viag for a very long time. I was taking large doses for one "event" i guess you could say.

    I overcame this problem by taking the 5mg cia per day intead of the 20mg before an "action day". after three days of taking the 5mg a day I was ready to go. Try a smaller dose everyday, for some people it req's 2 weeks in your system before it has any effect, so dont pass judgment on the treatment until you take it for 2 weeks.

    Hope this works
    Last edited by TommyGUNZZZ; 07-17-2011 at 11:26 PM. Reason: typo

  3. #3
    have you ever heard of HT7116?ıts a semi-synthetic compound which enhances follistatin expression through cGMP activation.Could anyone be familiar with this Can Alkoclar?As far as I know he was producing neurotrophic formulations but now they came up with this myostatin antagonist, there was a small trial regarding the efficiency and results were amazing.It would supposed to be used for wasting diseases and for anti-geriatric purposes.Please anyone inform if you know a way for me to reach this guy.thank you

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