just thought I would update you on my first cycle.
Two weeks ago I finished a VAR only cycle (80mg ED x 12 weeks) and just had my hormone bloods done (suffering big time from tiredness and have done for many many months prior to this cycle but anyway).
Had bloods done before I started my PCT; I am doing a PCT of Nolva 40mg ED x2weeks, then 20mg ED x2 weeks
Just thought, for those who think, say or belive that VAR is mild, too low, non toxic etc, at high doses it does shut you down, it does require a PCT and it will effect your hormone levels, just look at my results below.
Serum Testosterone - 5.7 nmol/L (range 8-40)
Serum FSH - 5.0 iu/L (range 1-10)
Serum LH - 5.7 iu/L (range 1-10)
I dont actually fully understand the above, but I do know that it means my Test level is far lower than it should be. I dont have any pre-Var results to compare against, but research suggests a male in his early 30's should be 22-25 nmol/L
Any comments on the above from you vets?
PS - wouldnt bother with VAR again, very poor results, some drop in BF but platoed in strength gains about week 6-7 and didnt see any more after than. Muscle mass, no more than 2.5kgs.