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Thread: Pct advise please

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2011

    Exclamation Pct advise please


    So here is my deal. This year i finally came to the 'dark side' lol. I started by taking some shitty var and clen. I didn't do enough to get anything really so i decided to switch to injects. At the time I was 160-163lbs 11-13% BF. so I started on some under dosed over priced gear it was a 300 mg blend of cyp, E, and prop 2 shots per week. Moved up to a 400 blend at week 5 of 200 E and 100 of C/P same brand two shots per week. I then started running dbols at week 5 till week 8 40 a day till my hundred were done. The dbols gave my preliminary gyno and was able to fix it with letro. at this point i was up to 180. this took me to week 9 Got a new supplier with amazing gear. Ran a bottle of winny 50 mg eod from weeks 8-13 no problems besides the horrendous pain which i got use to. week ten i switch to cyp every 3 days 250 mg, and suspension 65 mg a day for ten more weeks. at week 13 when the winny was done I am running var 80 mg ed and the last two weeks 120 mg per day. week 15-20 i added masteron 300 mg per week.

    thats my cycle! I know its not a beginners cycle but i figured screw it I'm going to do this hard or not at all. 20 weeks, lots of compounds! I am now around 185-187lbs with one more week to go. I look freaking bomb. still around 13-15% BF but lot more definition. I can also get down to 8-10 % BF with diet but I am not overly strict as I dont compete. I know i could have shortened it if i had more knowledge in the first place but I did what i did. I didn't really get much of the first gear as it was under dosed which is why I did the extra time. when i went off the dbols I went back to 173 in a week. I also need to mention i Lost 80lbs of fat first and trained naturally hard for 3 years and 6 more on and off. I am 26 and here is my concern... PCT

    I have on hand

    CLOMID - 50 mgs
    HCG - 5000's iu's
    Nolva 40 mgs
    vitamin E
    Vitamin C

    I have read lots of protocols and want some advice from seasoned vets on how to do this.. my last shot 10th of sept. I will have cyp in my system want to start pct 11th/ 12th

    I also possibly have access to Tripoline some new peptide that works above all else.... I Hope I have included all the info need for some proper pct advice for my specific situation. If need be I can get more hcg np...Thoughts people??
    Last edited by Cangrow; 08-29-2011 at 09:57 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    Houston, TX
    That cycle is all over the place. Maybe some vets could help, you need a very hardy PCT. I wont even touch that.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2011
    So here's the thing.... I never ran over a gram of test per week. I was running max 900 mg usually so its not really alot. I have a friend running 1800 mg right now lol. I was thinking of running an hcg blast of either 500 eod for the 5000 iu's or 1000 iu's eod till the 5000 is done. Then doing my nolva at 40 ed as thats what they are for 4 weeks. Wondering if I should drop the clomid since most people tell me its a waste. and if I should do the nolva concurrently with the hcg. Those are my big questions. I will be starting the two weeks on two weeks off clen to reduce cortisol and drop some bf. I have a periodized plan for my workouts so i know what to do im in the fitness business. I plan on shedding some mass and getting lean as hell.. going off till i normalize and then going back on in January for the remainder of the winter and not doing an all over the place cycle. Weird as it is im stoke to come off and work on other aspects of my fitness than strength....

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2011
    basically i did stuff to keep me lean, grow, and keep water down which i have accomplished. It was an amazing first cycle... next cycle is going to be less compounds though and only 16 weeks.. 12 for bulk and 4 to cut... this one got messed up by the crappy gear. Honestly id say the first 9 weeks i ran MAYBE 300-500 mg of test in total per week.. minus the dbols. My bud had his gear tested and the 300 blend came back as 100 mg of active content

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2011
    common guys !!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by Cangrow View Post

    So here is my deal. This year i finally came to the 'dark side' lol. I started by taking some shitty var and clen. I didn't do enough to get anything really so i decided to switch to injects. At the time I was 160-163lbs 11-13% BF. so I started on some under dosed over priced gear it was a 300 mg blend of cyp, E, and prop 2 shots per week. Moved up to a 400 blend at week 5 of 200 E and 100 of C/P same brand two shots per week. I then started running dbols at week 5 till week 8 40 a day till my hundred were done. The dbols gave my preliminary gyno and was able to fix it with letro. at this point i was up to 180. this took me to week 9 Got a new supplier with amazing gear. Ran a bottle of winny 50 mg eod from weeks 8-13 no problems besides the horrendous pain which i got use to. week ten i switch to cyp every 3 days 250 mg, and suspension 65 mg a day for ten more weeks. at week 13 when the winny was done I am running var 80 mg ed and the last two weeks 120 mg per day. week 15-20 i added masteron 300 mg per week.

    thats my cycle! I know its not a beginners cycle but i figured screw it I'm going to do this hard or not at all. 20 weeks, lots of compounds! I am now around 185-187lbs with one more week to go. I look freaking bomb. still around 13-15% BF but lot more definition. I can also get down to 8-10 % BF with diet but I am not overly strict as I dont compete. I know i could have shortened it if i had more knowledge in the first place but I did what i did. I didn't really get much of the first gear as it was under dosed which is why I did the extra time. when i went off the dbols I went back to 173 in a week. I also need to mention i Lost 80lbs of fat first and trained naturally hard for 3 years and 6 more on and off. I am 26 and here is my concern... PCT

    I have on hand

    CLOMID - 50 mgs
    HCG - 5000's iu's
    Nolva 40 mgs
    vitamin E
    Vitamin C

    I have read lots of protocols and want some advice from seasoned vets on how to do this.. my last shot 10th of sept. I will have cyp in my system want to start pct 11th/ 12th

    I also possibly have access to Tripoline some new peptide that works above all else.... I Hope I have included all the info need for some proper pct advice for my specific situation. If need be I can get more hcg np...Thoughts people??
    Get some more HCG.

    Do 1000ius 3x week split up Mon/Wed/Fri, for 3 weeks (9,000ius total). Also 10mg/ED Aromasin, 10mg/ED Tamox.

    After the 3 weeks are over, last HCG shot will be on a Fri, start this on the following Monday.

    wk 1-6 Tamox 20mg/ED (40mg/ED week 1)
    wk 1-6 Clomid 25mg/ED
    *Vit C Pre/PWO


  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2011
    thanks swifto really great-full! You ever heard of tripoline ? also my nolva and clomid is in capsules so i cant lower the dose? just take the higher dose ?

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