I have 4 weeks left on my Test E course

height 5.8
weight 202 lbs before Test
bf 18% Before Test
Train 4 days per week
diet 3,400 cals eating 8 times per day
356 protein
Good muscle size need to lose belly fat (Drinking)
Goal is to stay at 238 lbs and to lose belly fat
I am doing 30 mins of cardio per day and stopped the drinking

Was 202lbs now 228lbs through my Test E course
bf is now 16%

I just want advice on Clenbuterol course
is this ok 20mcg tabs Clenbuterol while on pct

day 1: 1 tab
day 2: 2 tab
day 3: 3 tab
day 4: 4 tabs
day 5: 4 tabs
day 6: 4 tabs
day 7: 4 tabs
day 8: 4 tabs
day 9: 4 tabs
day 10: 4 tabs
day 11: 4 tabs
day 12: 4 tabs
day 13: 4 tabs
day 14: 3 tabs
day 15: 3 tabs

Is it best to take the tabs all in the day time, example when on 4 tabs per day
2 tabs when you wake up and 2 tabs about 14:00hrs
