I am in my mid 40's, great shape, I have trained for 28 +yrs. and maintain 14% BF. I have and always have had a rock solid diet and training regimen. I would like to start a Test E only cycle for 12-14 weeks. I am cautious about adding any other compounds to this right now until I see the effects on my body and your criticisms. What I would like to know: 1. Should I run (after reading swifto's pct post's) an AI such as Novaldex or just HCG during the cycle, and if so how much and how long? 2. Would a PCT of Nov. 40/20/20/20 and CLO. 50/25/25/25 be okay. 3. If there is another compound that works well with Test E, such as EQ, Please feel free to make suggestions.

I have no issues with health or libido whatsoever. I have never drank or smoked or put a drug in my body other than a cycle of deca , 25 years ago done out of pure ignorance. Any and all advice would be appreciated.