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Thread: PCT, on Cycle Gyno , HCG, Letro... Questions???

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2011
    Boulder Co

    PCT, on Cycle Gyno , HCG, Letro... Questions???

    1st off I appreciate the time any of you would take to respond to this.
    Posting here as well because PCt doesn't get much traffic.

    I tried Swifto just haven't heard back from him... Sure he is busy.

    1st a little Back round

    38yr old
    5'10 251 lbs currently
    1 cycle back on in like 6 years.

    I weighted 315lbs July of 2010. Got down to 236lbs with a decent diet and exercise .I was feeling weak, small, & flabby still so Lifted hard made ok strength and muscle gains. Then got on Cycle July 2011.. Muscle and strength gains have been huge . Muscle to fat ratio changed greatly thus wanting to stay on for such a long time.

    The last four weeks though I have been gaining weight which Im never trying to do , just change the muscle to fat ratio.

    So now the questions.

    Ive done a lot of reseach and really need your final advice.

    Problem is Gyno , Or prolactin . Because of the new Test Blend which includes Deca makes me unsure. Point is im getting a lump under both nipples that changes sizes daily. I do realize higher BF is not good.
    Im on a long cycle of 18 weeks and was going to go real long like 6 months. reason being is the gains just keeped coming. Now im sure the Estrogen has got me down in my many ways. Lethargic, strength is down, no gains, sex drive is on the low side. All this while on;

    end of 18 Wk- All per week split EOD

    Test Andropen 600mgs
    Tren Acetate 400 mgs
    Masteron 300 mgs ( which the research says would help to halt aromitization )
    HGH 2IU daily - only 2 weeks in here.

    At week 16 I started Arimidex @ 1mg due to trying to halt the gyno Help
    At week 18 40 mg Nolva ( been 5 days in now )
    Week 19 will be my last WK of the above AAS I will continue HGH & Novla at 20 mg daily and .5 mg Arimidex .
    Trying this PCT to week 23. Thus 4 weeks PCT .

    While hoping to keep the gains Ive made-

    Question 1. I believe I need to add some Letro because the lumps,
    though now a bit smaller are still there and so are the Estrogen sides. You agree?

    Question 2. Should I add Clomid on top of the Nolva, Arimidex , and the letro ?

    Q3. Is PCT of of 4 weeks sufficient and when do I start some HGC 250 IU EOD, after PCT , not during ?

    Q4. Can I continue HGH at thru PCT ?

    Q5. Once PCT is over I will start, looking to lose 25lbs fat while keeping my muscle gains;
    T3 Pyramid cycles
    Clen Bi weekly
    Anavar 100 mgs daily ( research says very slim chance to cause Gyno .)
    HGH 2 IU's continued ( which I think is long term as in years )

    Again thanks guys for your advise and time!

    Any help in greatly appreciated.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2011
    Boulder Co

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Did you. If you PM'd me, I may have read it and then forgot to reply. I do that sometimes, I get a lot of PM;s.

    Quote Originally Posted by Donjuice View Post
    1st off I appreciate the time any of you would take to respond to this.
    Posting here as well because PCt doesn't get much traffic.

    I tried Swifto just haven't heard back from him... Sure he is busy.

    1st a little Back round

    38yr old
    5'10 251 lbs currently
    1 cycle back on in like 6 years.

    I weighted 315lbs July of 2010. Got down to 236lbs with a decent diet and exercise .I was feeling weak, small, & flabby still so Lifted hard made ok strength and muscle gains. Then got on Cycle July 2011.. Muscle and strength gains have been huge . Muscle to fat ratio changed greatly thus wanting to stay on for such a long time.

    The last four weeks though I have been gaining weight which Im never trying to do , just change the muscle to fat ratio.

    So now the questions.

    Ive done a lot of reseach and really need your final advice.

    Problem is Gyno , Or prolactin . Because of the new Test Blend which includes Deca makes me unsure. Point is im getting a lump under both nipples that changes sizes daily. I do realize higher BF is not good.

    You should be using an AI which will help with both estrogen and prolactin. Always keep a dopamine agonist on hand though, when running a 19-Nor.

    Im on a long cycle of 18 weeks and was going to go real long like 6 months. reason being is the gains just keeped coming. Now im sure the Estrogen has got me down in my many ways. Lethargic, strength is down, no gains, sex drive is on the low side. All this while on;

    end of 18 Wk- All per week split EOD

    Test Andropen 600mgs
    Tren Acetate 400 mgs
    Masteron 300 mgs ( which the research says would help to halt aromitization )
    HGH 2IU daily - only 2 weeks in here.

    Still need an AI.

    At week 16 I started Arimidex @ 1mg due to trying to halt the gyno Help
    At week 18 40 mg Nolva ( been 5 days in now )

    Is it real? 40mg/ED should halt gyno sides.

    Week 19 will be my last WK of the above AAS I will continue HGH & Novla at 20 mg daily and .5 mg Arimidex .
    Trying this PCT to week 23. Thus 4 weeks PCT .

    Should be 5-6 weeks.

    While hoping to keep the gains Ive made-

    Question 1. I believe I need to add some Letro because the lumps,
    though now a bit smaller are still there and so are the Estrogen sides. You agree?

    Stop the Deca/Tren, stay on Test + AI/Tamox

    Question 2. Should I add Clomid on top of the Nolva, Arimidex , and the letro ?

    You need 2 SERMs during PCT, not an AI.

    Q3. Is PCT of of 4 weeks sufficient and when do I start some HGC 250 IU EOD, after PCT , not during ?

    You should have been doing the HCG ON CYCLE you sausage

    Because you havent run it at all, this changs everything... GGggrrr...

    Q4. Can I continue HGH at thru PCT ?


    Q5. Once PCT is over I will start, looking to lose 25lbs fat while keeping my muscle gains;
    T3 Pyramid cycles
    Clen Bi weekly
    Anavar 100 mgs daily ( research says very slim chance to cause Gyno .)
    HGH 2 IU's continued ( which I think is long term as in years )

    Recover endogenous T first, then cut, not now.

    Again thanks guys for your advise and time!

    Any help in greatly appreciated.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Stop the Test, or vastly reduce it too 100-200mg/wk, stay on the AI and GH.


    For 6 shots spaced every 4 days run 1500ius HCG. Stay on 10mg/ED Tamox, 0.5mg/ED Arimidex

    When thats done, wait 5 days after final HCG shot, begin SERM treatment.

    wk 1-6 Tamox 20mg/ED (40mg/ED week 1)
    wk 1-6 Clomid 25mg/ED (50mg/ED week 1)
    *1g/ED Tribulus Sopharma

    5 weeks later get BW done and then come back to me.

    DO NOT alter the PCT in any way/shape/form. Thats exactly what I want you to do.

    I say to members, "do 20mg/ED for 6 weeks" and they say, "Can I do 20mg/ED for 3 weeks and 10mg/ED for 1 week"? It gets on my tits. Sorry.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2011
    Boulder Co
    Thanks for the Solid advise and your time..
    Quote Originally Posted by Swifto View Post
    Stop the Test, or vastly reduce it too 100-200mg/wk, stay on the AI and GH.

    Problem - the Test is Andropen 275 a blend which includes Deca @90 mg per CC. I'll still take it down as you advise to 100-200 mg week intill I can get some Test C . Going to be about 10 days though.

    For 6 shots spaced every 4 days run 1500ius HCG. Stay on 10mg/ED Tamox, 0.5mg/ED Arimidex


    When thats done, wait 5 days after final HCG shot, begin SERM treatment.

    wk 1-6 Tamox 20mg/ED (40mg/ED week 1)
    wk 1-6 Clomid 25mg/ED (50mg/ED week 1)
    *1g/ED Tribulus Sopharma

    5 weeks later get BW done and then come back to me.
    Will do

    DO NOT alter the PCT in any way/shape/form. Thats exactly what I want you to do.
    Done !
    I say to members, "do 20mg/ED for 6 weeks" and they say, "Can I do 20mg/ED for 3 weeks and 10mg/ED for 1 week"? It gets on my tits. Sorry.
    last two questions ; 1. how long do I continue the Test after taking it down ? 2. Should I use the letro at any point & if so at what protocol ? Thanks

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Taper it down over 2-3 weeks, the Test C. Get off that other shit with Deca in asap.

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