tought id revise my earlier post with my test results before i started gear and 1 month after pct so we can compare .any thoughts would be appreciated guys.i put a * for some things i forgot to test before is started.i know my bad .these are the results after a 6 wk pct of hcg 1000 ius mon wed fri for 3wks,clomid 100/100/50/50/50/50 ,nolva 40/40/20/20/20/20 after a cycle of 500 test e for the 1st 3mos than 1oomg test p and mast eod ,90 var ed,.25 dex ed,and winnie last 4wks 50 mg ed for last 2 mos.cycle waas 5mos long .(did my 1st show)
-1 month after pct- -range- - before starting gear-
WBC 5.2 4.0-10.0 giga/L 5.0
RBC 4.93 4.20-5.40 tera/L 4.64
Hemoglobin 151 133-165 g/L 147
Hematocrit 0.44 0.38-0.50 .43
MCV 90 82-98 fl 93
MCH 30.6 27.5-33.5 pg 31.7
MCHC 340 305-365 g/L 343
RDW 14.4 11.5-14.5 % 12.6
Platelet Count 193 150-400 giga/L 199
Neutrophils 3.0 2.0-7.5 giga/L 2.8
Lymphocytes 1.6 1.0-4.0 giga/L 1.6
Monocytes 0.4 0.1-0.8 giga/L .4
Eosinophils 0.3 0.0-0.7 giga/L .3
Basophils 0.0 0.0-0.2 giga/L .0
Glucose Fasting 4.9 3.3-5.5 mmol/L 4.9
Hemoglobin A1C 5.3 4.5-6.0 % *
Gamma GT 37 10-58 U/L 23
Cholesterol 3.91 2.00-5.19 mmol/L *
Fasting?: YES
LDL Cholesterol 2.41 1.50-3.39 mmol/L *
HDL Cholesterol 1.23 >0.90 mmol/L *
Chol/HDL (Risk Ratio) 3.18 <4.9 *
Triglycerides 0.60 0.45-2.29 mmol/L *
TSH 3.1 0.38-5.5 mU/L 3.6
Free T4 14.6 10.5-20.0 pmol/L *
Free T3 5.2 3.5-6.5 pmol/L *
AM Cortisol 370 nmol/L 140 - 690 nmol/L 452
PSA 0.34 <2.5 ug/L *
Estradiol <100 <150 pmol/L 152
DHEA Sulphate A 4.6 umol/L 5.2-14.2 umol/L 5.5
total Testosterone 17.6 10.0-30.0 nmol/L 22.7
Free Testosterone 446 90-700 pmol/L 607
Method of Vermeulen
Testosterone Bioavailable 10.5 2-16 nmol/L 13.9
Method of Vermeulen Interpret BAT and cFT results with
caution in presence of signficant
Sex Hormone Binding Globulin 34 10-70 nmol/L 33