Promocode: SLEEPY
I f you haven’t researched our clen and DSIP (Delta Sleep-inducing Peptide) then now is the time. Clen is our most popular thermogenic. It’s great for fat loss but it will keep your mice up all night. That’s where DSIP comes in nicely.
First, DSIP has been shown to induce sleep [1]. Second, it has been used successfully to treat opiate and alcohol withdrawal [2]. Third, it has been shown to work as an analgesic in treatment of chronic pain, sometimes as an adjunct treatment [3]. Fourth, DSIP has been shown to block ACTH release and decrease levels of ACTH, stimulate LH release, and act as an inhibitor of the secretion of somatostatin [4].
1 - Anders Bjartella; Rolf Ekmanb; Frank Sundlerc; Erik Widerlvd. Delta sleep-inducing peptide (DSIP): An overview of central actions and possible relationship to psychiatric illnesses. Nord J Psy, 42:2;111-117. 1988.
2 - Schoenenberger GA. Characterization, properties and multivariate functions of Delta-Sleep Inducing Peptide (DSIP). European Neurology 23: 321–345. 1984.
3 - Soyka M and Rothenhaeusler H. Delta Sleep-Inducing Peptide Opioid Detoxification. Am. J. Psychiat. 154: 714–715. 1997
4 - McCann SM. Delta sleep inducing peptide (DSIP) stimulates the release of LH but not FSH via a hypothalamic site of action in the rat. Brain Research Bulletin 15: 535–538. 1987
Liquid Clen and DSIP are an additional 10% off the already 10% store-wide sale. Promocode: SLEEPY
Click the link and use code SLEEPY.
AR-R Liquid CLEN
AR-R DSIP (Delta Sleep-inducing Peptide)