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Thread: Aromatase question.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2011

    Aromatase question.

    I'm trying to get a sense of how quickly ai's work and how quickly estro rebounds once the ai is discontinued. The half life of the ai itself is easy to find, but i cant find anything about how quickly aromatase will rebound, or the rate at which it will convert test to estro once it rebounds to normal ranges. Curious as to what normal ranges are. Anybody know a good article they could link me to?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    Read my blog
    i think the reason there hasnt been any solid answer is because it all varies depending on teh dose taken and the individual's hormonal make up.

    aromasin is a suicide inhibitor, so it takes out the enzyme completely; while the other ones are competitive inhibitors. The competitive inhibitors is what gives the rebound of estrogen, when test levels increase it can 'knock' off the AI and when that happens alot at once, there are a whole lot more enzyme complexes available to convert test to estrogen so thats what the whole E rebound thing is.

    Thats why its best to taper the use of an AI down (very important if using letro) but for a typical user using it on a cycle, should stop before pct and there shouldnt be any huge differences. There is low test amounts after the cycle and by taking SERMs the action of estrogen is blocked, so that keeps the circulating e levels higher which help prevent any excess estrogen conversion to occur, which would further impede on recovery.

    since letro is so powerfully strong, it is wise to taper down with it because there is a drastic change if stopped suddently which would almost guarentee a rebound effect.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2011
    Thanx lemonada. I realize there are a lot of variables here. Im just trying to get a general sense of how it works. Like, what would be a normal level of aromatase be, and how long would it take for that level to bring estro from a depleted state (for the sake of arguement, lets say a baseline of zero estrogen) to a normal level of estro, assuming test was in normal natural ranges.

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