I've been a lurker for quite some time now. It is finally time to show my face.
Age - 24
Weight - 170
BF % - 9%
Years Training - 5
I am about to finish a 6 week Test P only cycle.
Week 1-3 - 100 cc EOD
Week 3-6 - 150 cc EOD
my question is :
I plan on taking for PCT
* HCG (500iu's ED for 10 days)
* Nolva 40-20-20-20-20
I keep reading that HCG is not got for PCT and should only be used on cycle? Is Nolva enough for me or should I get Clomid as well?
I've taking a couple pro-hormon cycles in the past & never got any gyno. I don't think I am prone to it.