Background info: Good friend of mine (NO, I am not my own friend) is in the last 4 weeks of a 500mg/week Test E and 400mg/week Deca cycle. This is his first cycle. He is at 14%BF and has a killer diet. He's 6'3" and weighs 240(ish). His cycle duration is 18 weeks and is stopping the Deca now and running the Test for the last 4 weeks. He has asked me for advice on his PCT regarding the use of HCG.
Here is what we have penciled in as of now:
14 days after last shot.
Nolva 40/20/20/20
Clomid 100/50/50/50
Here is my question: Should he get on 500iu/week of HCG now until the end of his cycle? Or should he use HCG in the 2 week period between his last shot and his PCT? Also, any substantiated suggestions on the PCT are welcome. Thanks Guys!!!