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Thread: Advice On My PCT

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2012

    Advice On My PCT

    Hey guys,
    So my PCT has taken a number of transformations in the last couple months, but I think I've got it down. First I'll tell you about my cycle;

    test C 500mg/week (1-12)
    deca 300mg/week (1-10)
    dbol 40mg ED (1-6)
    Adex 0.5mg EOD (1-17)

    Now I'll be starting my PCT at week 15, 3 weeks from my final injection. During that time I'll be running HCG at:
    500iu E3D weeks 11 & 12
    250iu E3D (weeks 13 & 14)
    ending immediately before my PCT starts.

    Now my PCT is as follows:

    Nolvadex 20mg ED for 6 weeks
    Aromasin 25mg ED for 4 weeks
    Formastanzol throughout PCT every day
    I may be running some HCGenerate, Unleashed and Need2Slin as well, I have always had success with N2BM products.

    Now I know there is some concern with Nolva used near deca, but with a buffer period of 5 weeks between the two, I have been told that it will not be an issue. Also, should I be tapering the nolva down to something like 20/20/20/10/10/10 instead? As well, I have heard to use HCG during beginning of pct rather than using it in the bridge between the cycle and pct, what is your guys' opinion?
    Thanks guys!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    Where to begin... Everything is wrong. Not to mention you are 18.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2012

    so what's wrong with it?
    Last edited by KollectionMaster; 04-07-2012 at 05:49 PM.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2012
    Ur Nolva is to low, run 40,40,20,20. Not a good idea to run Aromasin on pct. U need a lil bit of estrogen in ur system to recover. And by running both ur basically killing it all. Throw some Clomid in there,100,100,50,50 to get ur nuts back to normal.

  5. #5
    It looks like your running Adex at the start of your pct, not a good idea either

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