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Thread: PLZ Help Getting Back to Normal

  1. #1

    PLZ Help Getting Back to Normal

    im 23 years old and have done 2 cycles in the past.. Used Arimidex and Nolva as PCT and it has been over a year since i have touched anything.

    Problem is my Test levels Never bounced fully back. I have got Bloodwork and 6 months ago and 1 week ago it showed that i was on the lowest end of the normal range
    basically really low but my doctor does not want to treat with testosterone. Also in the last 2 months i have experienced Gyno. lump and puffy nipples. AND ongoin problems
    with Sex drive and Erections. Im miserable and need help. Im able to get my hands on whatever chemicals you guys would recommend.

    Goal is to get natural Test levels High as possible, lower estrogen, and starting ****ing the shit out of the several girls that want me. PLEASE help..

    And as an ending note let this be a lesson to any guys my age considering steriods that it has high risk involved and i wish i would have waited like this forum suggested to me 3 years ago.. without sounding cocky im a good looking guy in great shape, with more hott girls after me than i can handle. All to be humiliated by limp dick time after time..

    I wanna stay off and just get healthy. And i appreciate any help you guys can offer. PS im aware of cialis and viagra and they do help but i dont wanna depend on them my whole life.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    Vancouver, BC
    Oh Bro. I am envious that you have the balls to get out and write what you wrote here.

    I am not knowledgeable in this area (or any regarding AAS for that matter)... I was just looking here to find an answer for a question of my own.

    Anyhow, Arimidex is not used as a PCT drug and it would appear that Nolva didn't get your HPTA back to normal. I think that Clomid would be what you're looking at in terms of this issue. And possibly some HCG. I hope that a vet comes in this thread and has some suggestions because I have no idea on how to use those after this amount of time.

    Again, good on you for asking. Make sure you check and double check your advice. You'll be able to see who knows their stuff.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by Skywalker727
    im 23 years old and have done 2 cycles in the past.. Used Arimidex and Nolva as PCT and it has been over a year since i have touched anything.

    Problem is my Test levels Never bounced fully back. I have got Bloodwork and 6 months ago and 1 week ago it showed that i was on the lowest end of the normal range
    basically really low but my doctor does not want to treat with testosterone. Also in the last 2 months i have experienced Gyno. lump and puffy nipples. AND ongoin problems
    with Sex drive and Erections. Im miserable and need help. Im able to get my hands on whatever chemicals you guys would recommend.

    Goal is to get natural Test levels High as possible, lower estrogen, and starting ****ing the shit out of the several girls that want me. PLEASE help..

    And as an ending note let this be a lesson to any guys my age considering steriods that it has high risk involved and i wish i would have waited like this forum suggested to me 3 years ago.. without sounding cocky im a good looking guy in great shape, with more hott girls after me than i can handle. All to be humiliated by limp dick time after time..

    I wanna stay off and just get healthy. And i appreciate any help you guys can offer. PS im aware of cialis and viagra and they do help but i dont wanna depend on them my whole life.
    This is exactly why people tell ppl not to cycle under 25 years old.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    You should find a good doctor,he/she will give you the answers. If you cant afford it, do a bloodwork then come back here with the exact numbers.

  5. #5
    my test is not low enough where i would get testosterone treatment but its still Really low for a guy my age. and the gyno is something i want to correct immediately..

    My doctor was honestly not much help. He offered cialis for the sexual problems and nothing for my low test. Really need help from a Vet on the forum

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by Skywalker727 View Post
    my test is not low enough where i would get testosterone treatment but its still Really low for a guy my age. and the gyno is something i want to correct immediately..

    My doctor was honestly not much help. He offered cialis for the sexual problems and nothing for my low test. Really need help from a Vet on the forum
    Tell your Doctor you cycled AAS, he's/she's probably not going to know much on how to help you, but will hopefully send you to a specialist that can, he/she could be under the impression your test is low naturally, and not because of a cycle gone wrong, hang in there buddy, worst case you get hormone repla***ent to bring you back to normal.
    Last edited by cherryking; 04-10-2012 at 12:25 AM.

  7. #7
    im still lookin for help from this forum.. should i run a estrogen blocker?? i mean i was hoping for some kind of advice and so far dissapointed

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    Vancouver, BC
    Go search a thread called "all you need to know about GYNO". It's author is C_Bino, I believe. Read his post..

    It'll explain how to reverse gyno as effectively as possible without surgery.

    'Hope this helps.

  9. #9
    what do you guys think i should do?? plzz

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    Vancouver, BC
    Read the post directly above yours.

  11. #11
    ty bro i hav read that several times. Is that gonna help my low test as well?? im assuming yes because the estrogen itself is hurting my test levels

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    Vancouver, BC
    I honestly don't know... I'm sorry. A vet here might.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    On vacation
    Start with posting your BW with ranges.
    Tst, E2, LH, FSH, Prolactin
    How are your nipples today?
    What were your cycles?

  14. #14
    well ive decided to run Clomid to reduce the estrogen and get a slight increase in natural test. and i will also be takin natural test products like Tribulus

    Gonna push my leg workouts to new heights and cut down on alcohol consumption.

    PLZ if anyone has a better solution or suggestion such as Hcg done properly or anything else plzzz im alllll ears.

    To Flier my nipples are gettin worse i feel like. may be a mental thing ill dig up my BW from 6 months ago BUT the test i took 2 weeks ago we only discussed and i didnt get the paperwork unfortunatly
    he said that i was just barely in range of normal. so the lowest you can be without needing treatment. and he didnt want to prescribe test because of my age.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    Vancouver, BC
    I wonder if HCG would help in your situation... I don't want to recommend anything though. It seems as though you've done some damage and may need a doctors advice to correct this. Whether that will be TRT, or some other course, I'm not sure.

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    On vacation
    Clomid will not reduce Estrogen.
    You should do nothing until you get a copy of your bloodwork.
    Impossible to advise.

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