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Thread: PCT Worries. need advice please.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2012

    PCT Worries. need advice please.

    i did a test e/tren a cycle for about 8 weeks. it was my first cycle.
    my pct was 500iu's HCG eod for about 2 weeks. 10 shots total. nolva at 40/40/20/20
    just stopped using the nolva.
    all of this was started just after my last shot (i know shouldve waited 2 weeks because the test stays in the system for an extra 2 weeks or so)
    so its been about a month since the cycle ended.
    kept most of my gains but here's my worries. and im not sure if this should be posted here so sorry if it shouldnt.

    -im kind of lazy to workout most of the time, but i do anyways.
    -since the end of my cycle, havent thought about sex much. just recently started getting morning wood and thinking about sex a little more.
    -erections arent as hard, it looks completely hard and stiff, but theres a slight softness to it, barely noticeable but i notice it.
    -ejaculation comes much faster and right after, it goes limp almost instantly which never used to happen.

    i can still get hard when i want to and everything but the sex drive in general is no where near as good.
    this is very worrying to me. i noticed since i got off nolva, its been getting slightly better. i really dont know if its psychological.
    should i give this more time, because i dont know if im just freaking out too much due to this being my first cycle and i dont know what to expect. any advice would be great.
    also, plan on getting blood work in about 2 weeks.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    I am not much help but, I would like to know why you did not wait? I am on mine and would just like to know.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    how long since you started this pct? The gym thing might be mental. In your heard you don't think your workouts natural will be worth the effort since your not juicing.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2012
    I do think it is actually mental. I find myself to convince myself that going to the gym is not going to get me anything because I'm back to being natural. no more of that bullsh**. and I'm not sure what you mean by waiting? waiting for what? to use hcg? to get blood work?

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