Hi all. Finished my var only cycle (50mg ED for 6 weeks) mid April and didnt do a pct as several threads online said you dont need it. mist-TAKE! I did do a pct with the last var cycle i had done in September, but i had a four weeks of test prop in there too. This time I stayed shut down (libido wise) for a month before i got my hands on some Nolva and did 40/20/20/20. During the pct it was better, at least with cialis, but now its hopeless, nothing helps. Now that completed 2 and a half weeks ago and i am still without lead in my pencil nor a drive to want to use it. I have more Nolva and have also ordered Nolva, clomid and aromasin and they are shipped. My question is should I run a second pct? And if so, can i start the nolva now, and add in clomid when it gets here, just do another nolva pct or what is the best option? Apparently there are no private clinics in canada for bloodwork and i dont want this on my record for life insurance purposes if it can be avoided. Thanks everyone for your help in advance.