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Thread: Should we give out our secrets??

  1. #1

    Should we give out our secrets??

    So recently, I've been thinking why the hell I come on here. To me, bodybuilding has always been a small elite group of people that have a vast knowledge on training, dieting and hormones.

    More and more lately I've been thinking it is very comparable to magicians. A small group of people that know the "Secrets". And why do magicians not give out their secrets?? Because it wouldn't be magic anymore, people would know all the tricks. Then the people that know the tricks perform their tricks and tell them to other people. Sooner or later their job is no longer a skilled elite group. What made them special was the fact that nobody knew what they were doing.

    Recently, I've seen more and more people come on here and many of them are young. A lot douche bags who are 19 and getting their information the easy way. As in they also want the easy way out to build muscle and take steroids with no real knowledge of the sport. When I was younger I never had anything like this. Would I have liked it? Of course I would, who wouldn't. But I'm glad I learned my knowledge of bodybuilding the way I did.

    I hate to say it but lately I've been seeing more and more people in better shape whether it be at the gym, beach etc etc...And I believe that reason is because it is so easy access information on the internet now about diet and exercise. It kind of does make me a little bit angry inside after I had to learn my knowledge of training over years and years while others now days are just "googling" or going on a forum asking how to get shredded.

    Should we really make it that easy for them? Back to my magician example, they never give out their secrets. If someone wants to learn the tricks they need to go to magician school, read books, practice etc etc...The ones who really have a love for magic and want to learn have to spend many years learning the "Secret".

    And honestly, like the magicians I like being an elite group. Carrying knowledge that know one else knows about. If they want to learn the trade then they can bust their ass to learn it. I'm really debating giving out free advice anymore.

    If we keep giving out our special knowledge soon everyone will know about it and it will not be that special anymore to have a good body. Just like magic tricks would be meaningless if everyone knew them.

    I say, if people want to learn it they can bust their ass and learn it the way I learned it. That will make them worthy of the sport.

    Anyone else sort of agree with me??

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2012
    Yes i can understand what you are saying mate but is knowledge not wasted if its not shared. Why with hold information that could possibly help another person from making an ill informed judgement. Of course one has to endevour to learn useful information and not just have it on a plate as this is in most circumstances not appreciated there has to be a genuine desire to learn.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by asq View Post
    Yes i can understand what you are saying mate but is knowledge not wasted if its not shared. Why with hold information that could possibly help another person from making an ill informed judgement. Of course one has to endevour to learn useful information and not just have it on a plate as this is in most circumstances not appreciated there has to be a genuine desire to learn.
    Theres your answer......thats what seperates you from the 19 year old douches that you are willing to actually help someone thats willing to learn...if not.....their loss....

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    I'm 26 and whatever it be if I have knowledge of anything I hare the info it's your body it's your well being and looking good who cares I tell all I'm not scared you can know everything and never put it to use. Share away cause who knows the person you help might help you or find out another training secret from what you taught them

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2011
    The best way to put it is this...Magic(most of it at least) does not lead to severe life-long consequences.

    By sharing information you are helping people do it safely. Like i tell my guys who are under the age of 21, if they are going to drink, do it responsibly.. I can sit there and tell them all day long not to drink under the age of 21, but if they want to do it, odds are they will just do it. So why would i educate them on it? to mitigate risk.

    You're doing great things, do not doubt your contributions and/or work because of a select few boneheads.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Back from Afghanistan
    Here's a thing I just learned....

    ....never touch your hands to your face at the gym. Use the hand sanitizer as often as you can while down there.

    (source: two colds in the last 5 weeks from the gym)

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by Times Roman View Post
    Here's a thing I just learned....

    ....never touch your hands to your face at the gym. Use the hand sanitizer as often as you can while down there.

    (source: two colds in the last 5 weeks from the gym)
    try asking for a spot on bench and the dude damn near tea bags you on your last rep saying "push it baby, you got it!"...then you feel the warm drop of sweat land on your face...And i doubt it was from his ****ing head...I will never go to planet fitness again

  8. #8
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Back from Afghanistan
    Quote Originally Posted by dogtags View Post
    try asking for a spot on bench and the dude damn near tea bags you on your last rep saying "push it baby, you got it!"...then you feel the warm drop of sweat land on your face...And i doubt it was from his ****ing head...I will never go to planet fitness again
    oh shiit!

    I use the smith machine, so no need for a spot

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