I will be starting my PCT Monday and want to make sure I have the dosage good before I start.
Cycle was Sust250 10 weeks, HCG from second week up to this past Thur and Liquidex .25 eod from start of cycle up to this past Thur.
I will be running PCT:
Nolva - 40mg ed for 4 weeks
Clomid - 100mg ed first 2 weeks then 50mg ed last two weeks.
I have also started my vacation friday and will be at the beach until Wed (much needed R&R) and feel that with this rest and no gym time for a week or so should be a good start to my PCT and then I will take it easy in the gym for the remaining 3 weeks to try and keep what I have gained.
If this looks good please let me know if there is something during PCT i might want to change let me know.