I am about one week from finishing a 12 weeks cycle of Test Prop.
I was planning to run Nolvadex and HCG (6 weeks) for my PCT.
My nolvadex dosing looks like this:
Week 1: 40 mg. ED = 280 mg.
Week 2: 40 mg. ED = 280 mg.
Week 3: 20 mg. ED = 140 mg.
Week 4: 20 mg. ED = 140 mg.
Week 5: 20 mg. ED = 140 mg.
Week 6: 20 mg. ED = 140 mg.
1. How should my HCG dosing be? I am a little bit confused about this.
2. Is 6 weeks too long or just right to run for my PCT?
3. After my last injection, when should i start my PCT? I wrote a thread says 3 days after last injection (Can someone confirm this?)