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OP if you knew the first thing about Tren, which is the strongest of steroids, you would know it causes an increase in prolactin - which directly concerns sex drive. It drives up prolactin... significantly. Estrogen also aggravates Tren sides. So you should have been taking Caber .5mg per week at the minimum for your cycle and kept your E2 in check with an AI. If you did this you would be ok. You probably didn't do enough research, ran too high dose of Testosterone and didn't run any Caber with your Tren.
Did you know you can get prolactin induced gyno from Tren, and actually squirt milk out of your nipples? Along with severely impaired sex drive (Tren dick). Tren is not for a novice user and you make a perfect example of why not to use Tren on a second cycle.