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Thread: Nolva or Clomi?

  1. #1

    Nolva or Clomi?

    Im reading that Nolva causes decreased libido, which has been an issue with me as is. I read that Clomi does the opposite, should i take Clomi instead? Sex drive is an important factor in my life at the moment... I only have enough money for one or the other. Any advice?

  2. #2
    jimmyinkedup's Avatar
    jimmyinkedup is offline Disappointment* Known SCAMMER - Do Not Trust *
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    Yes. wait till you have the money to do it right.

  3. #3
    Then i would be prolonging my pct? That isnt a wise idea is it?

  4. #4
    jimmyinkedup's Avatar
    jimmyinkedup is offline Disappointment* Known SCAMMER - Do Not Trust *
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    You should always have pct chems before you even start your cycle bro. never wait till lst min. when does your cycle end ? What was your cycle?
    Heres a good read for you:

  5. #5
    Cycle ended week and a half ago, i have been trying to find out PCT info. I was not a member of any forums to even be aware ofs PCTs. I got my gear from a friend at my gym. Once i got on here i started to realze what was needed, 10 weeks of Test E 1cc a week. Low cycle in my opinion. So i pretty much need to order some things tonite and rush deliver them to be on time. That is all i can afford is some Nolva, Clomi, or a small dose of both? I would rather get one or another from ar-r.

  6. #6
    jimmyinkedup's Avatar
    jimmyinkedup is offline Disappointment* Known SCAMMER - Do Not Trust *
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    Quote Originally Posted by Seth3752 View Post
    Cycle ended week and a half ago, i have been trying to find out PCT info. I was not a member of any forums to even be aware ofs PCTs. I got my gear from a friend at my gym. Once i got on here i started to realze what was needed, 10 weeks of Test E 1cc a week. Low cycle in my opinion. So i pretty much need to order some things tonite and rush deliver them to be on time. That is all i can afford is some Nolva, Clomi, or a small dose of both? I would rather get one or another from ar-r.
    If i personally had to pick one it would be clomid. take 70/35/35/35/35 (thats mgs/day by the week) ie week 1 - 70mgs/day
    Take at night before bed.
    Ok so you are heree now. Next time let people her help you structure cycle and pct and do it right. have everything before hand etc.
    Welcome to the board

  7. #7
    Thank you so much, this is exactly what i needed is a vet to give me their personal choice. I will order tonite and do so. Will one bottle from ar-r be enough for your recommended dose?

  8. #8
    jimmyinkedup's Avatar
    jimmyinkedup is offline Disappointment* Known SCAMMER - Do Not Trust *
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    yes it will.
    And your welcome bro ..stick around huh..this is a great place

  9. #9
    Indeed, i have learned so much from guys around here. They really try to help everyone out despite their bad choices.

  10. #10
    I was recommended. To get clomid

  11. #11
    Join Date
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    I rec both or atleast Clomid ran like above.

  12. #12
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Seth3752 View Post
    Indeed, i have learned so much from guys around here. They really try to help everyone out despite their bad choices.
    IF the person is willing to listin and not try to fight advice to reinforce what THEY did was ok. that drives me/us CRAZY!

    Happy you have learned something here! :-) I love this place too!

  13. #13
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    I came off a cycle of Test, & Deca with good results about 2 months ago. But I didn't really plan a PCT. I feel great, still strong, diet is tight. But I went for my blood test and my Test level was 24 !!!!
    So my Dr. put me on AndroGel to bring it up? Now I read that that won't really bring my Test back up. Is it too late for some Clomid and Nova? And if not, I'm kinda confused about the dosage. I see on Ar-t they have liquid, but how much do u take? A teaspoon, tablespoon. I know I was stupid for not preparing, but I will next time. Thanx for ur help

  14. #14
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    I came off a cycle of Test, & Deca with good results about 2 months ago. But I didn't really plan a PCT. I feel great, still strong, diet is tight. But I went for my blood test and my Test level was 24 !!!!
    So my Dr. put me on AndroGel to bring it up? Now I read that that won't really bring my Test back up. Is it too late for some Clomid and Nova? And if not, I'm kinda confused about the dosage. I see on Ar-t they have liquid, but how much do u take? A teaspoon, tablespoon. I know I was stupid for not preparing, but I will next time. Thanx for ur help

  15. #15
    Hey sorry i havnt been on here. The guys who helped me out recommended Clomid 70/35/35/35 Meaning when you order it from ar-r it comes with an oral squiter. Simply will it up to 1cc, squirt, and another cc. 1cc=35mg. So then after the first week you do 1ml. The stuff tastes terrible, but i am feeling better after starting it for only a week. Androgel will just suppress your natural T if i am correct.

  16. #16
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    Here is what someone recommended to me. I'm starting today. This is if you bought liquid Clomid & Nova.

    - Liquid Tamox 50mL 20mg/mL (Nolva) - total volume of container is 50mL. Take 1mL for every 20mg of product your rats need. In other words, there are 50, 20mg per mL doses in that bottle. So at 40mg a day, you have 25 days worth.

    - Liquid Clomi 70mL 35mg/mL (Clomid) - total volume of container is 70mL. Take 1mL for every 35mg of product your rats need. In other words, there are 70, 35mg per mL doses in that bottle.

    If you are in the US, it should come with an oral syringe. If not, you can order from ar-r or pick them up at any pharm.

    Dosages and time frame can be found on the same thread I suggested earlier.

    Also, there is an entire section devoted to Ar-r and its products on the forum's main page entitled, "QUESTIONS and COMMENTS ON AR-R's PRODUCTS" comes highly recommended.

    My Syringes have both CC's and ML's So the math will be easy. But Walgreens has Oral syringes, so I might grab one from there.

    The dosages seem to vary up here. Nova, the norm seems to be 40mg a day for the first 2 weeks, then 20mg a day for the next 2.
    Clomid varies more. I read anywhere from 75-150 mg. a day for the first 2 weeks then 50mg. for the last 2.

  17. #17
    Join Date
    May 2011
    And ur right about the AndroGel. My Dr. knows why my Test is low, because I came off cycle. But I'm sure he knows nothing of PCT. And I myself am learning.

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