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Thread: Need help with pct

  1. #1

    Need help with pct

    I have been on and off test for around 7-8 months now with no pct. I know this was a mistake and am learning my lesson the hard way, I'm 23 and 197lbs. Since I started steroids I've gained about 30lbs. The last time I came off was about 6 weeks ago with no pct and I felt awful as you can imagine. I went to my doc and she gave me a blood test. My test levels where just below the normal range and she has referred me to an endo who I am seeing for the first time in December. I started taking testanon 350 2ml a week. I got some hcg and nolvadex as I want to get off steroids and try restart my natural test. I realise what I've done is stupid and incoukd have seriously damaged myself. How should I go about taking the hcg and nolvadex? Or should I stay on test until I see the endo? Need advice from people who know a lot more than I do and advice will be greatly appreciated, thanks

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    UK (Nr London)
    First step, realising you did wrong! Well done for seeking proper advice.

    Hope you get feedback from the gods here buddy. Good luck on getting it sorted.


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