So I already know screw the pooch on this. Not the first time and prolly why
I am 33
Several cycles
I usually jack the pct some how but have come out with sex drive and very minimal loss of muscle and strength
So I got a Hernia went to dr.
Did a blood panel worried about my bp. It's fine now 120/78
But the kicker is
I ran 4 or 5 weeks and had to stop
100 mg test c
150 tren e
For those weeks, I know imam stupid but I didn't run pct
It's been a month or so since.
A week ago ,y sex drive disappeared. No morning wood nothing
I have always felt up and down before aas even my moods
So my test came back at 20
Yes i said 20!!!
So have I always been low t or did I **** my self?
It slow felt like its coming back but I have a lot on mind that week too. But 20!!!!!