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Thread: No pct dumbass

  1. #1

    No pct dumbass

    So I already know screw the pooch on this. Not the first time and prolly why
    I am 33
    Several cycles
    I usually jack the pct some how but have come out with sex drive and very minimal loss of muscle and strength
    So I got a Hernia went to dr.
    Did a blood panel worried about my bp. It's fine now 120/78
    But the kicker is
    I ran 4 or 5 weeks and had to stop
    100 mg test c
    150 tren e
    For those weeks, I know imam stupid but I didn't run pct
    It's been a month or so since.
    A week ago ,y sex drive disappeared. No morning wood nothing
    I have always felt up and down before aas even my moods
    So my test came back at 20
    Yes i said 20!!!
    So have I always been low t or did I **** my self?
    It slow felt like its coming back but I have a lot on mind that week too. But 20!!!!!

  2. #2
    And also no shrinkage of testes

  3. #3
    My dr wants to put me on 200 mg test c every 2 weeks,
    Should I worry about my having children .

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by NEVERBIGENOUGH
    My dr wants to put me on 200 mg test c every 2 weeks,
    Should I worry about my having children .
    what are you talking man? Try combination of Nolvadex, Triptorelin and DAA

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    I would post this in the HRT forums for a better response.

    HRT & Longevity, Wellness, Anti-aging Forums

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    Read my blog
    you are still in the shutdown period from after ur cycle. Talk to ur doc about some other options before starting TRT.
    Since u didnt do a PCT, i would go with a few weeks of HCG at 500iu 2x a week; with nolva at 20mg and Clomid at 25mg while on HCG.. then when u stop the hcg after 3-4 weeks; then do a full pct of NOlva at 40/40/20/20/20/20 and clomid at 100/50/50/25

    "Nolvadex , Triptorelin and DAA" i wouldnt do.. A) nolva isnt enough alone, and B) actual triptorelin is hard to get, and its pretty strong stuff *its used for chemical castration if the dose is right.

  7. #7
    I will switch it over and right now nothing, saw dr 2 days ago

  8. #8
    fit2bOld's Avatar
    fit2bOld is offline Knowledgeable Member- Recognized Member Winner - $100
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    Nov 2011
    grillin chicken
    You need to run the PCT wait 6-8 weeks after and retest. Dont rush to HRT. see if you can get restarted first.

  9. #9
    I am going to do that.
    I want to try to get my system up before I got on hrt. I have blood work next month. Then month after that

  10. #10
    You think typical pct or should i throw some hcg

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