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Thread: Opinions on the planned PCT for Halovar/Test E cycle

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2010

    Opinions on the planned PCT for Halovar/Test E cycle

    Hey guys, I am in week 2 of my cycle, but everything is planned considerable time ago, including the PCT, so I will post here my cycle and my plan for PCT and would welcome any opinions and suggestions. First some stats about me: 26 y.o., 186 cm, 97 kg, 15 % BF.

    So.. cycle looks like that:

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    Please note that Halovar (Chlorodehydromethylandrostenediol) is an actual steroid, rather than pro-hormone, even though its marketed as such, so to be still available OTC in some countries, cleverly disguised as supplement.

    Do you think I ought to include some HCG in the PCT or the Nolva/Clomid combo is going to be enough, since the cycle is not that heavy in my opinion?

    Thank you in advance for your comments. Cheers!
    Last edited by Cabron; 11-06-2012 at 01:39 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    The transparent truth is im not familiar with Halovar, so i wont comment on it. But the rest of your cycle has room for improvement.

    1. I recommend you run your cycle out to at least 12 wks because of the long ester and the time it typically takes to spool up your bloods.

    2. Its not necessary to load up 1 gram test for 1st wk.

    3. Dump the provi and get yourself a real AI like Arimidex or Aromasin from the site sponsor above - AR-R.

    4. Anytime you shut down your HPTA i would recommend hCG on cycle, not in PCT, @ 250iu 2/wk.

    5. PCT should include clomid and nolva @ 75/50/50/50/ 40/20/20/20 respectively.

    6. I don't like pro hormones.

  3. #3
    fit2bOld's Avatar
    fit2bOld is offline Knowledgeable Member- Recognized Member Winner - $100
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    grillin chicken
    ^^^ good advice Mickey....

    What is this Halovar???

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2010
    Thanks Mickey but you changed my whole cycle almost whereas I asked for the PCT but nevermind its always good to exchange ideas, experience and advices.

    1 & 2: I supplied myself with gear for exactly 8 weeks and exactly because of the time it takes for the long ester to kick in, I did the frontloading the first week. The whole concept for frontloading is arguable, I know. Some people swear by it, others deny it, nevertheless I decided to try it myself and I did feel actually more strength, endurance and better recovery by the end of first week, but it could be also from the Halovar, cant really say.

    3. I was considering the option for Arimidex but after long time of research I decided its not necessary due to the following reasons: strong AI`s like Arimidex or letrozole are used in heavy cycles with high doses of strong aromatising agents like dianabol and testosterone stacked together. Halovar produces zero aromatization and 500 mg of Test E per week is not that much of a dose for my body weight to consider such a strong AI`s like the abovementioned. Besides I think that including those in that cycle would`ve eliminated the estrogen almost fully, which is also not considered good, since there is a proven correlation between estrogen levels and GH and IGF-1. In other words eliminating the estrogen fully would make one irritable as well as it would hinder gains. On the other hand Proviron act as a mild AI (of course I keep Nolva by hand in case I need it), as well as synergistically amplifies the effect of the other steroids by binding to the SHBG (at least in theory). I know that the effect of Proviron is also disputed but I got it cheap and legit from a pharmacy, so I thought why not to try it

    4. this is good advice indeed, I just dont know how to separate the 1500 IU ampule into 6 syringes ?

    5. Thought so too, but for how long? Is 2 weeks okay?
    6. 6. Its actually a steroid as I said and not prohormone. Reference: William Llewellyn’s ANABOLICS, 9th ed. and also its profile on this website.

    PS: The АntiSpam software suх аss!
    Last edited by Cabron; 11-07-2012 at 07:14 AM.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    You still have a lot to learn my friend. I would strongly suggest you read up on AI's, what their roles are, and the difference between them, before you complete this cycle and potentially set yourself up for unwanted sides. Also, take a look at the associated risks involved when E2 levels are high and uncontrolled.

    Otherwise you'll be like the number of others who end back in here asking for advice and wondering why they cant get it up, or why they have uncontrollably acne, or a host of other widely known sides of poorly managed E2.

    Good luck.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2010
    I have read enough my friend and at least I gave you my arguments while you gave me none. Its not recommended to eliminate 100 % your estrogen while on cycle because it hinders gains! Period. This has been proven in many researches. As I said GH and IGF-1 depend on estrogen levels. Proviron might be not that good AI (if any at all) but it comes also down to how sensitive is the individual. 500 mg of test weekly is not considered by any means a high dose. Maybe I will include a SERM like Nolva during the cycle just for sureness, but strong AI like letrozole or anastrozole is gonna eliminate the estrogen fully which is not desired!
    Actually I get it up pretty easily with all this free test floating around and the extra sex drive from the Proviron.

    Also I suggest you read on the concept of frontloading - Bаssкiller`s website has really simple article explaining why it works. Initial double dose, half life of lets say 7-8 days -> already by the end of week one you get the same dose which would normally build up in the body by week 3 or 4.

    Also since when is acne associated with E2? Its androgenic related side effect.
    Last edited by Cabron; 11-08-2012 at 02:13 AM.

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