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  1. #1
    pipeliner123 is offline New Member
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    Clen with PCT PROS CONS

    I have read this site for years trying to formulate my cycles and i find a lot of advice that contradicts other advice so i thought id join and ask my question specifically as i do not see many people asking it right way or posting stats properly for an accurate answer.

    I am 22 224 lbs about 12-14bf % right now i have been training since i was 15 on a 5-6 day split working individual muscle groups on those days, i always do my research on routines and diet (with the exception of my first cycle took advice from a source never again)

    my first cycle was a 12 week of test-e at 500mg ( one shot a week... i know i was 19 an naive) with 50mg of winstrol at 25mg twice a day for 6 weeks and i post cycled with nolva at doses i cannot remember for 3 weeks after only take 1 week off

    my second cycle was 9 months later and it was 12 weeks on anavar advice i took off this forum told me pct was not necessary, but now knowing my sensitivity to shut down on any aas i wish i would have as i loss all my gains and gained most of the fat i had loss back even with strict dieting.

    after another 5 months off i ran test e again at 250mg twice a week for 14 weeks with tren e for the first 10 weeks at 150mg twice a week and with 1mg of adex a shot, i ran winny at the last 7 weeks and HCG after week 5 at 500iu a shot i waited only 1 week before my pct which was nolvadex at 50mg a day for 2 weeks then 25 a day for 3 weeks and clen up to 100mcg a day 2 weeks on 2 weeks off, i ended up with slight gyno under my right nipple which has acted up a little on my current cycle but nothing to bad. i do believe clen is anti-catabolic as when i cut after my previous cycle i went from 235 lbs holding probably 15% bf (abs were still visible but back fat was higher then id like) to 202 at 8% (Measured) in about 6 weeks and my lift stayed constant the entire time with exceptions to my dead lift and squat as i focused more on higher reps and quality of contractions versus weight. after that cycle i ended up bulking up to about 215 and holding steady with some fat staying lean has always been my weakness.

    my current cycle is sust 250 at 125mg eod for 5 weeks with tren a at 50mg eod (for 5 weeks), at week five i used the roidcalculator to check my serum levels and i have now switched to sust at 250mg twice a week and its keeping my levels consistent with what i was doing before, i am running 50mg of winny ed. the cycle will be 12 weeks total, winny for 7 weeks adex every shot at 1mg and sust250 for the full 12 with tren a at 200mg total a week for the first 5 weeks. after i will be taking 3 weeks off before pct, i also started HCG at 2 times a week on week 6 at 250iu's as i was shutting down pretty hard i will run that into my first week off after sust is finished. it has brought me back to my normal ball size fast.

    Now after all that for my questions i have read a lot about why you can and cannot run clen, pct. i personally loved it pct as i always try to cut pct as i hold a ton of water and i bulk up very easily weight loss is my challenge and i find anti-e really help me lean out. But aside from my personal opinion on the use of it does it have any negative effects in pct such as increasing any androgens and will it shut me down or cause that gyno i experienced? my dieting is very strict at 3500 calories a day and i have stayed lean but the sust has bloated me horrible hurting much of my definition imo. IM just looking for the pros and cons or running clen with my nolva, and if you wanna put input on a different post cycle im all ears im hear for the advice.

    Thank you all for helping me on my first post.

  2. #2
    auswest is offline Banned
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    You really shouldn't be aiming to loose weight during pct or soon after, your body is already in a very fragile catabolic state.
    You're "cutting up" during pct because you are not controlling your estrogen properly on cycle, control your estrogen and you won't be walking around like a water barrel. And you won't be seeing such drastic changes when you come on and off.

    You've done a fair few cycles for such a young age, I suggest you come off with a solid pct and give your body a break for a few years you're still young.

    I don't rate clen too much, don't use during pct.

  3. #3
    pipeliner123 is offline New Member
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    i was planning on taking the next 18 months off i have physically hit where i want to be as far as mass i just want to stay leaner, how would u recommend managing my estrogen im already taking 2mg a week of arimidex . thanks for the advice though

  4. #4
    auswest is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by pipeliner123
    i was planning on taking the next 18 months off i have physically hit where i want to be as far as mass i just want to stay leaner, how would u recommend managing my estrogen im already taking 2mg a week of arimidex. thanks for the advice though
    How are you dosing that 2mg, some people also have issues with arimidex give aromasin a try

  5. #5
    pipeliner123 is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by auswest View Post
    How are you dosing that 2mg, some people also have issues with arimidex give aromasin a try
    i have aromasin i have noticed it being effective in taking down the "swelling" but no different then the arimidex its 1mg caps i was taking them every other day at the start because those were injection days now i have moved to twice a week because i can manage with only 2 injects a week and it saves me on scar tissue. the gyno has stayed under control this cycle the adex works very well just by the day before the next shot it acts up a bit. also i took you warning on the clen i decided to run it now at 50mcg a day for the first week and a half then 100mcg a day for the 2nd half of the 2nd week (twice a day morning around 10am and afternoon around 4pm) then do 2 weeks at 100mcgs after 2 weeks off.

    on the note of gyno i have made an appointment to get it removed so keeping im focusing on keeping it from getting worse.

    also is 2 weeks of 50mg a day nolva and 2 weeks at 25 sufficient for recovery?

  6. #6
    pipeliner123 is offline New Member
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    just an update i ran clen through my pct 2 weeks on 1 week off, with Ghrp-2 and mod 1-29 nolva and clomid. mod and ghrp at 100mcg 3x a day clomoid at 50mg for the first 2 weeks then 25mg the last 2 and nolva at 80 for the first 2 then 40 for the last 2. i went from 235 -218 my lifts have improved weight AND rep i look harder and full my natural test production is through the roof i have never felt so good on a pct. HIGHLY recommended

  7. #7
    Lemonada8's Avatar
    Lemonada8 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    I remember reading somewhere that Clen helps increase gonadotropin secretion or something, and i remember thiking it would be useful in a PCt setting... ... however i cant find the paper that mentions that.. but when i do ill be sure to finalize my thought process and provide the source via link

    ok i remember now, i have that paper as a hard copy.... but from what i remember; it had to do with catecholamines helping LH release... and since clen is a beta-2, it increases catecholamine release anyways; which would seem to have a synergistic effect during a PCT...

    Ill get back to this thread in a day or 2, i dont have time to review it now cuz i have a test tomorrow :P

    from a quick search... its not the one i have tho...

    If u wanna look this up, google-scholar search: catecholamine, Leutinizing hormone release..
    Last edited by Lemonada8; 02-17-2013 at 01:25 PM.

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