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Thread: HcG question regarding PCT for an 8 week tren/prop/mast cycle.

  1. #1

    HcG question regarding PCT for an 8 week tren/prop/mast cycle.

    Hello all! Got afew questions regarding HcG usage, i'll cut right down to the chase!

    Cycle is as follow


    1-8: 100 Trenbolone Ace EoD (350/week)
    1-8: 100 Masteron EoD (350/week)
    1-8: 100 Test prop EoD 350/week)
    1-12: 4iu hGH a day (2morning/2post-workout)
    1-12: T4 100mcg ED

    Caber: 0,25mg EoD
    Adex: 0,25mg EoD (gonna have to feel my way to the propper dosage if estrogen related sides start poppin' up)

    PcT protokoll was thought out to be as followed:

    9-10 250ui HcG/day
    9-12: 20mg Nolvadex a day
    9-12: 20mg aromasin a day

    Okay, to my question! i had been reading up on the PcT protokoll by Tony Roberts (not allowed to post links yet, so write http first)
    And was thinking about running this one. Problem is, i'm getting so much feedback regarding the usage of HcG trough Cycle, example "You SHOULD use HcG at 250ui 3/week, or else you're wasting the potential benefits) so i was considering running it trough cycle. How would the usage of HcG trough cycle affect my current PcT scheme, and how would i eventually have to alter it if i was to use HcG trough cycle. I have no problems whatsoever with my nuts shrinking down for 8 weeks if using HcG at a blast dosage in PcT (read the link by tony roberts) is just as effective as doing it trough cycle.

    Anyone got any experiences with the PcT protokoll posted by Roberts, and secondly, have anyone done something close to it and still done HcG trough cycle and got some feedback to give?

    Would love all possible feedback, do you think the PcT should be changed accordingly to HcG usage in cycle, or should it be okay to do it about the same way?

    As mentioned above, ALL Feedback is valuable! On Beforehand thanks, gotta love this forum! peace!

    Edit: Changed the link to the PcT protocoll as it was on this forum aswell
    Last edited by Bulkee; 12-27-2012 at 07:38 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    hCG 250iu 2/wk on cycle.


    Clomid 75/50/50/50
    Nolva 40/20/20/20

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by MickeyKnox View Post
    hCG 250iu 2/wk on cycle.


    Clomid 75/50/50/50
    Nolva 40/20/20/20
    ^^ There it is.

    Bulkee, you need to edit your original post. No posting links to other forums is allowed.!!!

  4. #4
    Thanks for a REALLY quick reply guys! Okay, when should i then come of the HcG in regards to PcT timing, and is 4 weeks enough time for PcT or should it be 6 weeks as mentioned in the article? (Seeing as my cycle is a short one)

    Again, thanks
    Last edited by Bulkee; 12-27-2012 at 07:57 PM.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    Run your HcG right up until 3-4 days before beginning PCT protocols. Check out MickeyKnox's thread about beginning cycles, HcG use and PCT protocols. Lots of good info there. Good luck!

  6. #6
    Great info, thanks alot! 1 more quickie, when should i start the HcG, i keep hearing week 2, week 3, 3 weeks prior to cycle end, etcetc? and 250ui 2x a week is sufficient, again i keep hearing about 250ui 3x/week.. Loads of questions i know, but i want to learn

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2011

    On your cycle, begin hCG from the start.

  8. #8
    Cheers mate, made my day!

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    According to the link I posted, which is the most update methodology typically suggested, start hcg the day before 1st pin of test and continue administering the day before each day you pin test...250iu 2x/week, each pin for a total of 500iu a week. Run hcg right up until 3-4 days before beginning PCT.

    Your aromasin should also be used on cycle. 12.5 mg EOD to start. Monitor E2 via blood work while on cycle and adjust if necessary.

    PCT should run 4 weeks. Nolva 40mg per day weeks 1-2 then 20mg per day weeks 3-4. Clomid 75mg per day week 1 then 50mg per day weeks 2-4.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by MickeyKnox View Post

    On your cycle, begin hCG from the start.
    Sorry beat me to it.

  11. #11
    Wouldn't Arimidex be sufficient while on cycle, or do i have to add aromasin to it? (seeing as i've got the Arimidex at hand, aromasin needs to be bought)
    also, i'm pinning 3days/4days a week, how should i do the HcG injects then?
    One more thing, is it enough of a pct to just use the serms nolva&clomid, or should ANYTHING at all else be added to it?

    Again, thanks for replies!

    Edit: Remember that i'm also gonna use masteron at 100 a day, would that make the required dosage of Arimidex (or aromasin if you say that i have to use it) lower than if i was doing a pure Tren/test cycle? Any dosage recomendations on the Arimidex?
    Last edited by Bulkee; 12-27-2012 at 10:52 PM.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    You're asking some very basic questions now Bulkee, and youre starting to look very naive.

    Is this your first cycle? If so, you should really rethink this. In fact you should probably do a lot more research and reading before embarking on AAS. You don't appear to know what youre doing. It seems like you simply put together a bunch of names and numbers and are now asking questions about it. I have a sneaky feeling that you may end up in the Cycle Gone Wrong thread. But I sure hope not..

    Be smart Bulkee..

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