Hello all! Got afew questions regarding HcG usage, i'll cut right down to the chase!
Cycle is as follow
1-8: 100 Trenbolone Ace EoD (350/week)
1-8: 100 Masteron EoD (350/week)
1-8: 100 Test prop EoD 350/week)
1-12: 4iu hGH a day (2morning/2post-workout)
1-12: T4 100mcg ED
Caber: 0,25mg EoD
Adex: 0,25mg EoD (gonna have to feel my way to the propper dosage if estrogen related sides start poppin' up)
PcT protokoll was thought out to be as followed:
9-10 250ui HcG/day
9-12: 20mg Nolvadex a day
9-12: 20mg aromasin a day
Okay, to my question! i had been reading up on the PcT protokoll by Tony Roberts forums.steroid.com/showthread.php?209758-PCT-by-Steroid-com-)#.UN0F42_K668/ (not allowed to post links yet, so write http first)
And was thinking about running this one. Problem is, i'm getting so much feedback regarding the usage of HcG trough Cycle, example "You SHOULD use HcG at 250ui 3/week, or else you're wasting the potential benefits) so i was considering running it trough cycle. How would the usage of HcG trough cycle affect my current PcT scheme, and how would i eventually have to alter it if i was to use HcG trough cycle. I have no problems whatsoever with my nuts shrinking down for 8 weeks if using HcG at a blast dosage in PcT (read the link by tony roberts) is just as effective as doing it trough cycle.
Anyone got any experiences with the PcT protokoll posted by Roberts, and secondly, have anyone done something close to it and still done HcG trough cycle and got some feedback to give?
Would love all possible feedback, do you think the PcT should be changed accordingly to HcG usage in cycle, or should it be okay to do it about the same way?
As mentioned above, ALL Feedback is valuable! On Beforehand thanks, gotta love this forum!peace!
Edit: Changed the link to the PcT protocoll as it was on this forum aswell![]()