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Thread: no sex drive help

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2013

    no sex drive help

    Took letro for 4 months for some gyno. Stopped taking it and my nuts kinda shrank have no sex drive what do i do to get it back.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    A rock & a hard place
    Quote Originally Posted by mcdyl
    Took letro for 4 months for some gyno. Stopped taking it and my nuts kinda shrank have no sex drive what do i do to get it back.
    Sounds like your own natural testosterone hasn't recovered. If you were taking letro for four months to treat gyno (which is a bit long and not the best approach), you must have cycled before that. What did you take? How long? Did you use an AI? Did you incorporate HCG in your cycle?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    Took tren for about 5 weeks no hcg. I know nothing about this stuff i know im stupid. Went and got blood work done the doc said everything was normal

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    A rock & a hard place
    Quote Originally Posted by mcdyl
    Took tren for about 5 weeks no hcg. I know nothing about this stuff i know im stupid. Went and got blood work done the doc said everything was normal
    Did the doc perform a full hormonal assay with estradiol sensitive markers or just a standard CBC/CMP?

  5. #5
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    Jan 2013
    I told him what i did and told him to check my estrogen levels. Will my body fix itself eventually

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by mcdyl View Post
    I told him what i did and told him to check my estrogen levels. Will my body fix itself eventually
    You took tren by itself?

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    Yea i was fine until i stopped taking the letro

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    A rock & a hard place
    Unfortunately, it could be permanent or you may recover partial function and libido overtime. Tren is the harshest anabolics out there and you could be facing a number of problems (estrogen, prolactin, low T, etc.) that you may or may not recover from. You could have just set yourself up for a life time of hormone replacement therapy.

    I'd suggest returning to your doc, explaining the problems and get a full, proper blood panel done. You need to have your testosterone levels checked as well as a male sensitive estrogen assay.

  9. #9
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    I would suggest a PCT if you haven't done one yet. Letro by itself is really not adequate to restart your system. Tren taken by itself with no PCT could take up to a year to full recover, its a harsh 19 nor steriod, the most powerful one. You would know this if you did any sort of research before you started injecting foreign chemicals into your body.

    With that said you need to focus on what you can do to restart your system. This would include nolvadex for 5 or 6 weeks and proper bloodwork.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    I novaldex what else do i need to do

  11. #11
    Join Date
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    I have liquid nolvadex from rui products will this work and how much should i take

  12. #12
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    you need clomiphene citrate aka clomid. 100mg every day for 2 weeks followed by 50mg every day for the following 2 weeks. if that doesn't help, you might be fvcked.

  13. #13
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    Sep 2007
    nolvadex 40mg ed week 1 / 20mg ed week 2-4
    clomiphene 100mg ed week 1 / 50 ed week 2-4

    could go to 2 weeks on week one dose........

    id start with this as a PCT.

    but id take muscleinks suggestion first......

  14. #14
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    I think you should follow MuscleInk's advice and start reading into the "HPGA Normalization Protocol After Androgen Treatment" by the Program for Wellness Restoration. They are one of the few who have a clinically proven PCT program. I will post the link with the abstract in .pdf form.

  15. #15
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  16. #16
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    Look forward to seeing that Doc! Similar to Scally's I assume?

  17. #17
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    Dec 2012
    It's the same one. I don't know of any other clinically proven protocols.

    He had a nice setup, for which I don't understand how he got approval. He actually caused ASIH using deca and test for 12 weeks. But do you know what doses he used? I'm further impressed by his results as he didn't use hcg during the 12 wks of AAS administration.

    I think I read somewhere t he used 800mg of Test per week and 200mg of deca but I may have it confused. I'm not sure where I read that and the doses aren't in his abstract. I might of read it in one of the forums he belongs to where he has Q&A sessions.

    That being said I think his results offer a lot of hope to the OP and ppl in the same situation.

  18. #18
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    I also recently read that Dr. Scally has changed the protocol slightly. Supposedly, it's now 2,000 units of hcg for 10 doses and the tamoxifen dose has been doubled to 20mg bid. Has anyone else heard this?

    Personally, I'm scared to take that much tamoxifen bc of the risk of a blood clot (DVT). I would rather at least consider taking a low dose AI while taking the hcg, instead of the second dose of tamoxifen (and then just continue at 20mg per day once stopping the hcg and AI. However, I'm far from an authority on PCT, especially compared to Scally.

    I also wonder how much more effective it would be if one added:
    -DAA (3gm per day)
    -Vit C (1.5gm per day)
    -Tongkat ali
    -Horny goat weed (longjack root)

    To the OP, definitely think about bringing a copy of the abstract to your doctor if your blood work shows that you need a PCT, as you've already divulged your situation to him.

  19. #19
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    Ull be fine i did 40mg if tamox a day for 2 months and done the hcg blast at the end of every cycle and back to normal it will return dont let it do your head in but your case itll just take a while mate!

  20. #20
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    If i take the tamox 40mgs a day for two months how fast will my libido come back

  21. #21
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    OP its been almost a month now since ur first post. Any improvement on ur recovery?

  22. #22
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    Yea a little

  23. #23
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    Someone told me to take 250mgs of test e a week then for 10 tog 12 weeks and take 10mgs a day of nolvadex while on the test then take 20mg of nolvadex a day for two months. And i should be fine thenshould i do this?

  24. #24
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    I wouldnt advise that. What exactly did you run for pct this time? any hcg? have you had blood work?

  25. #25
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    No pct can i just take nolvadex for a couple months had bloodwork done doc said everything was normal tryed to get him to refer me to a specialist but he wouldnt

  26. #26
    Join Date
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    No pct can i just take nolvadex for a couple months had bloodwork done doc said everything was normal tryed to get him to refer me to a specialist but he wouldnt

  27. #27
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    HCG blast son!!! with AI then nolvadex/clomid
    also look into Triptorelin .... im still researching about it. they say 1 shot will fix your HPTA... it to good to be true

  28. #28
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    Take clomid and nolvadex together how many mgs and for how long. Will this work if ive been off tge tren for a while

  29. #29
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    Have been taking nolv 20mgs a day for about a week already saw a difference my nuts have gotten bigger and my libido went through the roof but now its gone again. Since ive saw improvment does this mean i will recover one i stop the nolv

  30. #30
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    Jan 2012
    Good advise Granovich. Def agree with a HCG blast! OP def try to run some clomid along side ur nolva. Hey Granovich, now that i got u on the line, u no anything about HMG (human menopausal gorodotropin) From what ive read its HCG's bigger and badder brother.

  31. #31
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    Nov 2012
    holy sh*t tren by itself? Let me guess your friend told you...

  32. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by Stosh_112 View Post
    Good advise Granovich. Def agree with a HCG blast! OP def try to run some clomid along side ur nolva. Hey Granovich, now that i got u on the line, u no anything about HMG (human menopausal gorodotropin) From what ive read its HCG's bigger and badder brother.
    HMG it's available in two brands Repronex and Menopur if you want to look into it more. Generally, when used in men, for induction of sperm production, it is used in conjunction with hCG. The dose of HMG is 75-150 units SC/IM 3x per week with a max of 300 3x per week. If hCG alone is not effective for sperm induction, that is when doctors will often add either HMG (or some will use an FSH analog instead).

    I don't know of it being used alone in men, but that doesn't mean that it's not. This is just what I know about it.

  33. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by Stosh_112 View Post
    Good advise Granovich. Def agree with a HCG blast! OP def try to run some clomid along side ur nolva. Hey Granovich, now that i got u on the line, u no anything about HMG (human menopausal gorodotropin) From what ive read its HCG's bigger and badder brother.
    as Anabolic Doc said, its for sperm production , great addition to Help recovery. you shouldnt take it by it self...
    its works better for HCG blast idea so u can add 75 IU of HMG daily for like 2 weeks.
    thats why i like to do this 500 IU HCG after the cycle for a week add to that 75 IU HMG daily for also a week then wait 4 days then start PCT.... i have a friend who did the blast + HCG on cycle and recovery was so fast his blood work 2 weeks after PCT came the same as his baseline .... so im looking into this method

  34. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by Granovich View Post
    as Anabolic Doc said, its for sperm production , great addition to Help recovery. you shouldnt take it by it self...
    its works better for HCG blast idea so u can add 75 IU of HMG daily for like 2 weeks.
    thats why i like to do this 500 IU HCG after the cycle for a week add to that 75 IU HMG daily for also a week then wait 4 days then start PCT.... i have a friend who did the blast + HCG on cycle and recovery was so fast his blood work 2 weeks after PCT came the same as his baseline .... so im looking into this method
    Saw a huge increase in libido the first week of nolv now its tanked again and my nuts havent gotten any bigger do i just stay on the nolvadex and it'll return once i get off

  35. #35
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    Could this be high prolactin levels from the tren

  36. #36
    Join Date
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    New York, New York
    Geez man Tren is rough even with a test stack. Some guy's really should avoid it at all costs. How did you come to choose tren only? No AI on cycle? Did you notice any tren sides while on cycle?

  37. #37
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  38. #38
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    Quote Originally Posted by mr.slippyfist69 View Post
    Geez man Tren is rough even with a test stack. Some guy's really should avoid it at all costs. How did you come to choose tren only? No AI on cycle? Did you notice any tren sides while on cycle?
    I chose tren only because I knew nothing about this stuff no tren sides on cycle no insomnia, night sweats. This defn suxs shouldn't have touched the stuff. But I'm struggling to find a good doc that understands this stuff.

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