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Thread: Clomid sides

  1. #1
    wndyctyjsn is offline New Member
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    Clomid sides

    Hey guys, I have read a few posts on people getting some bad sides from Clomid. I've read everything from anxiety to depression. I am getting ready to run my first cycle, and I am wondering if there is a better/safer alternative to Clomid post cycle? I can remember my older brother running Clomid in the 80s so I am surprised this is still protocol

  2. #2
    OdinsOtherSon's Avatar
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  3. #3
    wndyctyjsn is offline New Member
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    Awesome link, thanks so much. So based on the link tamox and tore would be a variation that would be more effective and possibly bring less sides than the Clomid? I will start researching these.....but anyone with comments feel free to chime in

  4. #4
    Lemonada8's Avatar
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    IMO, clomid is the best to use in a post cycle in combination with tamox.

    if u use hcg on cycle, then prolly tore/tamox combo would work; but if not, then i'd say clomid is a MUST in the post cycle.

    the side effects are dose related, and some are more prone to it then others are.

    tore and tamox are basically the same drug; while clomid is a different one in comparision.

    for a basic cycle ( i know no specifics of ur cycle, so this is a generality)
    clomid 100mg ED week 1, 50mg ED week 2-3, 25mg Ed week 4
    Tamox 40mg ED week 1-2, 20mg ED week 3-6

  5. #5
    OdinsOtherSon's Avatar
    OdinsOtherSon is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    ^^ I agree. And running the tamox 6 weeks is something you see here, but not as commonly as the traditional 4 week protocol. That said, I would carry tamox on out to 6 weeks as well. I really like the strategy of stringing out PCT an additional 2 weeks with tamox. Also, if you can, definitely run the hcg if at all possible. Personally, I'd rather run a tore/tamox protocol for PCT but that's due to issues specific to me in that my eyesight isn't the best in the world and clomid can definitely has negative effects on eyesight especially if you are prone or dose is off. Plus the possibility of anxiety issues.

    You're definitely in the right place for learning...I'd suggest taking some additional time and do some more research prior to kicking off a cycle. How old are you? What is your diet like? What are you current stats?

  6. #6
    wndyctyjsn is offline New Member
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    Awesome to have the guidance here guys, so appreciative. I do plan on running HCG on cycle, as I understand it this will basically avoid a complete shutdown of test production ....and hopefully make pct not as harsh? But why would Clomid be recommended if i didn't? Do you guys think the front load of any of these chems play into the sides?

    I do think your right I need to keep learning before I jump on cycle, I have questions upon questions.

    My stats are 32, 5'11, 186 pds, 12 percent bf, lifting 2 years steady. Married with kids so gotta be as safe as possible here with everyone depending on me.

  7. #7
    OdinsOtherSon's Avatar
    OdinsOtherSon is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Clomid is typically recommended in conjunction with nolva (tamox) because the two products work to bind with E2 receptors differently, thereby giving the user a broader spectrum of effectiveness. Yes, front loading TOO heavily can exasperate any potential sides; however, front loading is still recommended in most instances. I think it may have been in the link I provided but another possible protocol could be to not front load at all, and extend PCT out to 8 weeks. Prime example of why some additional research would benefit'd give you a better profile on various protocols and help you determine what would work best for you.
    Last edited by OdinsOtherSon; 01-17-2013 at 08:16 AM.

  8. #8
    wndyctyjsn is offline New Member
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    Thanks a million, most helpful man....will keep researching but thanks for pointing me in the right direction

  9. #9
    Stosh_112's Avatar
    Stosh_112 is offline Productive Member
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    I like the idea of extending Tamox for 6 wks.

  10. #10
    clarky. is offline MONITOR
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    I do 5 weeks nolva i think i will go with the extra week next cycle.

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