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Thread: Torem: The BETTER SERM for increasing Testosterone levels and Gynecomastia management

  1. #1

    Torem: The BETTER SERM for increasing Testosterone levels and Gynecomastia management

    Toremifene (Torem) is a drug in the class of drugs called selective estrogen receptor modulators or (SERM) for short. Torem and other SERMs act on the estrogen receptor in various tissues of the body with various effects in those tissues. SERMs can be a pure receptor agonist or antagonist because a SERM’s action can vary from tissue to tissue. This gives SERMs the possibility to selectively inhibit or stimulate estrogen-like actions in the body.

    Torem has proven to be a very effective SERM. Torem has shown in research to have some very positive effects in the body. Some of these positive findings are; stopping estrogenic effects in the breast gland, positive effects on bone formation and the enhanced production of LH and FSH and testosterone levels in test subjects, just to name a few.

    Torem has been found in research to be an effective and safe alternative to Tamoxifen (Tamox) use.

    You might ask “well why would I want an alternative to Tamox?” Well because Torem is better and I will tell you why.

    Torem is better not just in its expected “SERM like” effects as seen in compounds of this class, but has also been shown to have fewer side effects over Tamox. Researchers have found less frequent headaches with Torem research over research with Tamox and it has been shown to have a potentially more favorable toxicity profile over Tamox in research subjects. Torem is not much different than Tamox though, Torem only differs from Tamox in a single chloride ion addition on a side chain. This simple change however, results in a potentially more favorable toxicity profile over Tamox and holds an excellent bioavailability.

    In research with the prevention of bone loss and fractures Torem was found to significantly decrease the incidence of fractures and also significantly improved bone mineral density, bone turnover markers and serum lipid profiles! “SERM talk” usually revolves around Gynecomastia research and increasing LH, FSH and testosterone levels in test subjects and don’t get me wrong Torem does this very well too, but as you can see from the above there is much more to Torem then just Gynecomastia and testosterone levels. Torem has been shown to be more effective at stimulating bone formation, LH and FSH production and ultimately a rise in testosterone levels over Tamox and with fewer occurrences of side effects while still holding a very high oral availability. This has been shown time and time again in current research and is why I am writing this article to get the word out and let others know about these wonderful qualities about Torem.

    Although Torem has not been around as long as Tamox has, I feel Torem is far superior to Tamox for most all research regarding gynecomastia, osteoporosis, infertility and androgen stimulating areas of research. Others have felt the same and this has led to Torem being heavily researched for its positive attributes in bone formation, anti-cancer research treatments such as breast or prostate cancer and its positive effects in Gynecomastia as well. These findings have also lead to Torems use in research for the possible treatment of some side effects related to androgen deprivation therapy such as osteoporosis and tissue loss.
    In my opinion Torem just is just a better SERM to research with over most other SERMs and I hope our high quality Torem meets all your research needs.

    Check it out >> Liquid Torem 60mg/mL 60mL
    1) Toremifene to reduce fracture risk Smith MR, Morton RA, Barnette KG
    2) Toremifene versus tamoxifen for advanced cancer.Mao C, Yang ZY, He BF
    3) A comparison of survival outcomes and side effects of toremifene or tamoxifen therapy in premenopausal estrogen and progesterone receptor positive breast cancer patients: a retrospective cohort study.Gu R, Jia W,
    4) Pharmacokinetic evaluation of toremifene and its clinical implications for the treatment of osteoporosis.Gennari L, Merlotti D, Stolakis K, Nuti R.
    5) Toremifene decreases vertebral fractures Smith MR, Malkowicz SB,
    6) Toremifene is an effective and safe alternative to tamoxifen in adjuvant endocrine therapy for breast cancer: results of four randomized trials.Zhou WB, Ding Q, Chen L, Liu XA, Wang S.

    Liquid Torem 60mg/mL 60mL
    Last edited by RUI-Products; 01-21-2013 at 02:39 PM.

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  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    Its not as effective as Nolvadex and Torm is more expensive...

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    Thank you for this info!!

    I am going to try this one!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by 3863 View Post
    Its not as effective as Nolvadex and Torm is more expensive...
    But what I am gathering is that it is more effective and with less possible sides?
    Have you actually tried it?

  7. #7
    jimmyinkedup's Avatar
    jimmyinkedup is offline Disappointment* Known SCAMMER - Do Not Trust *
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gorge View Post
    But what I am gathering is that it is more effective and with less possible sides?
    Have you actually tried it?
    It is at least as effective with a better safety profile.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    May 2012
    New York, New York
    so is my PCT plan of running liquid Tamox and Torem G2G? Should I re-think this? I gotta say my last time doing a PCT with this duo had soooo many less sides and BS then running clo and nolva together. Has anyone besides me had vision related issues with that combo?

  9. #9
    jimmyinkedup's Avatar
    jimmyinkedup is offline Disappointment* Known SCAMMER - Do Not Trust *
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    Quote Originally Posted by mr.slippyfist69 View Post
    so is my PCT plan of running liquid Tamox and Torem G2G? Should I re-think this? I gotta say my last time doing a PCT with this duo had soooo many less sides and BS then running clo and nolva together. Has anyone besides me had vision related issues with that combo?
    Some people def have vision sides with clomid. I def think its a good idea to substitute torem for clomid if thats the case for you. I say your good running that pct. What dosages?

  10. #10
    Join Date
    May 2012
    New York, New York
    tamox 40/20/20/20/20
    torem 120/60/60/60/60

    This is what I ran last PCT and had little to no issues

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