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Thread: New user, first prop/npp cycle. Need pct help

  1. #1

    New user, first prop/npp cycle. Need pct help

    This is my first post, and first cycle. 21 years old. 7 years of hard training. I'm halfway through week 4, of this 8 week cycle.

    16-18% bodyfat

    test prop 500mg/wk
    npp 400mg/wk
    stane 12.5mg daily (AI)
    prami .5 mg daily (PA)

    not sure exactly if im overkilling the stane and prami?? Now on to my question. I have hcg on hand, but was unsure if I had to run it throughout the cycle or just towards the end and on to my pct?? I have Torem here as a part of my PCT also. Thank you for the help in advance!!
    Last edited by oilstain; 01-31-2013 at 12:09 AM.

  2. #2
    Definitely not overkilling the stane. Not sure on the prami. Assuming that you have no issues with the imbalance of NPP to test (that is, the test dose seems a little low compared to the NPP), I would advise three weeks free of the NPP at the end of the cycle, test only, tapering the test down the last week to nothing. Also, HCG.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    USA-New Jersey
    Prami i think it should be .3 eod or so
    But def include hcg. Start asap 500 iu x2-3/wk

    I would also do blast of 2000 IU EoD for 10 shots with some stane in that period
    Then start nolvadex/clomid for 6 weeks
    You are too young for AAS
    hopefully you will recover!
    Btw people start with testosterone only
    19nors ( npp,tren) are dangerous and hard to recover from

  4. #4
    I dont have any current sides whatsoever. Besides very rapid progress! The prami is taking care of anything the npp would throw at me, although I did have to experiment with the prami at first, which was painful to say the least. I coined it the "prami flu". so Granvich, could you go into more depth with the blast of hcg?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    USA-New Jersey
    yeah its called scally protocol .... HCG blast 2000 IU ( you do it every other day for 10 shots which is 20 days with some AI like liquid stane )
    then you do 6 weeks Nolvadex/CLomid ..... BUT more importatnly before all this . i need to see blood work!!!!!
    Testosterone,LH,FSH,Prolactine and E2
    you cant just do HCG without blood work...

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by Granovich View Post
    yeah its called scally protocol .... HCG blast 2000 IU ( you do it every other day for 10 shots which is 20 days with some AI like liquid stane )
    then you do 6 weeks Nolvadex/CLomid ..... BUT more importatnly before all this . i need to see blood work!!!!!
    Testosterone,LH,FSH,Prolactine and E2
    you cant just do HCG without blood work...
    Thanks for the breakdown Granovich. The only problem with the bloodwork is that I'm in the military, and its kind of suspicious if I go in and ask to get bloodwork done. For what? " I think my testosterone levels are low?" I'm not real sure if they would buy into that.

  7. #7
    Im entering my 5th week of the cycle. Ive read that I should drop my npp this week. Now should I taper off? Im dosing 200mg 2x weekly. Should I just cut to 150mg, then 100mg? And how about tapering off my test the that 3 weeks before pct?? Thanks in advance fellas.

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