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Thread: PCT is going awesome! Too good to be true, in fact. ;) But why????

  1. #1

    PCT is going awesome! Too good to be true, in fact. ;) But why????

    My stats:
    Age: 31
    Height: 6"2
    Body weight: about 255 now (while off roids)
    BF %: Dunno, but I can see my abs and deadlift 700lbs.

    I was on steroids for about three months, I did 600mg of testo a week combined with a "cut stack" that contained testo, mast and tren that gave me 150mg of mast and 150 mg of tren a week. I know this is not optimal, but I had to use what my dealer could get.

    After being on for about 15 weeks I went off this summer and PCT sucked! I was depressed, had no sex drive and so on. Pretty normal, I guess.
    Then after six weeks I noticed that I was starting to feel better, and did some bloodwork that showed that my natural testosterone production was in fact in the upper end. In my country they use a system where 3,5 - 9,9 is the norm. My tests were over 7.
    I've always assumed that I am blessed with a high natural production of testosterone, but it was cool to see it go from shut-down to such a high level after only six weeks.

    I then went back on roids (the same dose as before) and had good progress. After four months I now went off.
    I knew it was going to suck to be on PCT, and I assumed it would be even worse this thime as now it's winter (dark and cold) and I was only off for a short while before going back on. But I was wrong! PCT is going great, but I'm not sure why it's so different this time, so I'm hoping that you guys could help me find the answer.

    Here's what I did:

    I did HCG while tapering down, making sure that the HCG left my body one day before the testosterone did (I did testo prop).
    Three days after my last injection of testo prop (150mg) I started doing PCT. I take 40mg of nolva and 100mg of clomid a day.
    As I've read that clomid can cause depression I take clomid before bed time and nolva in the morning.
    I also take clen, and worked my way up to 160mcg a day.

    The difference from last time is that I take clomid at night and nolva in the day instead of alternating.
    I also take a LOT of zinc and magnesium supplements . I also take som herbal supplements to help my testosterone production (tribulus).

    A couple of days after starting PCT I got a blood test, to see what results my cycle had had on me.
    Interestingly enough everything was fine. My kidney's are doing great, nothing to worry about in regards to my liver either and even though my cholesterole levels are not optimal, they are quite OK. My good cholesterole is 0,8 and the bad is about 4,4. Not good, but not alarming.
    My testo levels were still elevated, but I assume there were small amounts of testo left in my body from my last injection.

    One week after my last injection I still felt pretty good. I even had sex for two hours that weekend, even though I hardly thought about sex in general. I switched from viagra to cialis, which could explain my ability to get a solid erection, but neither drug will work if the user is not aroused, which again will not happen if there is no testosterone in the body.
    I assumed that I was just lucky, and that my luck was about to run out soon. I was still preparing for being a limp emo.
    ...but nope! The next weekend the same girl came over and we screwed again. A lot!
    The following week I started feeling the results. I became lethargic, had no enthusiasm or energy for antyhing and absolutely did not think about sex. This lasted for.....five days. I then got an erection while chilling out on the sofa watching TV!

    The following weekend (this weekend) I had sex with a girl on Friday and another one one Saturday. When I've gone off roids before I've had no interest in sex at all. Now it feels like I am having the about the same hormone levels as the average joe. I even find myself day dreaming about nailing girls from time to time. That has really not been the case at all when I've done PCT in the past.

    It's now been a month since my last injection of testo prop, and I feel great. Well, I do notice that I don't have the same energy or power in the gym, I still feel a bith lethargic and less cheerful than before, but still I feel like I "cheated" the "system" so to speak.
    Does anyone know what might have caused this?

  2. #2
    Sounds to good to be true! My first two cycles i only used nolva for pct, from now on i know better and I'm hoping for better results! Did you get your cialis from arr? Pretty sure i will give that a try to! The gf always hates the coming off part!

    "If you doing it right your competing against the sickest mother****er there is... yourself"

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by rage-lifter26 View Post
    Sounds to good to be true! My first two cycles i only used nolva for pct, from now on i know better and I'm hoping for better results! Did you get your cialis from arr? Pretty sure i will give that a try to! The gf always hates the coming off part!

    "If you doing it right your competing against the sickest mother****er there is... yourself"
    I know! I have been preparing the girls I'm dating for 8 weeks of no sex, but to my suprise the effect of going off has been extremely limited this time.

    The cialis is made by and underground lab, the same one who makes my nolva and viagra I assume. I buy little bags of 100 tabs. Don't know where they are manufactured, but if I were to guess I would say Thailand.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    Preparing the girls. ^^^^^

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