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  1. #1
    atrainwright's Avatar
    atrainwright is offline Junior Member
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    Pharm grade or research chem?

    Debating which ancillaries to get for an upcoming cycle. I can easily get any pharm grade rx that I need or should I order thru a site like ar-r . Also I have an old bottle of liquid clomid, what's the shelf life on that?

    6,7 240 lbs, 26 yo, 3 cycles, est 13-15 bf

    Projected cycle
    Test e 750mgs per week, 10 wks
    Deca 600 mgs per week, 8 wks
    Anadrol 100 mgs per day, 25 days

    Pct-18 days after last pin
    Clomid- 100, 50,50,25,25
    Nolva- 40,40,20,20

    On cycle
    Caber .5 mgs e3d
    I've only used adex before is a stronger a.i. Needed/necessary?
    Hcg - never have used but will do further research and incorporate.
    Liver- ill be getting liv52 and milk thistle
    Vitamins- I stick with a multi and fish oils

  2. #2
    stevelifts's Avatar
    stevelifts is offline Junior Member
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    I think shelf lfe is about 2 years.
    I have use arr's liquid stuff without issue.

  3. #3
    OdinsOtherSon's Avatar
    OdinsOtherSon is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Sep 2012
    AR-R is GTG.

    Might consider switching your PCT around to Clomid 100/50/50/50; Nolva 40/20/20/20/20. Extend the use of Nolva, not Clomid. Adex is the most commonly used AI usually at 0.25mg EOD as a start but may need adjustment, which usually begins at transitioning from EOD to ED at the same dosage. Aromasin is also a good product but many avoid it as it takes ~ a week for serum levels to come up where adex is pretty much immediate; however, aromasin is a suicide inhibitor and seems to not exert such a harsh effect on lipid profiles. With aromasin, usually start out at 10mg EOD and adjust from there if needed using the same principle as adex. An AI is generally considered as a needed item on cycle.

  4. #4
    atrainwright's Avatar
    atrainwright is offline Junior Member
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    Mar 2012
    Awesome info, thank you

  5. #5
    atrainwright's Avatar
    atrainwright is offline Junior Member
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    Mar 2012
    Why the extension of nolva over clomid? Shall I just extend them both?

  6. #6
    OdinsOtherSon's Avatar
    OdinsOtherSon is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    For some people clomid can be a little rough in that it can cause some anxiety issues (but usually only when it is dosed too high, ran too long or a combo of both) and some people, such as myself, have some eyesight issues and clomid is known for causing problems in this area too. It can be said that clomid may exhibit more "toxic" sides than nolva so that is, at least my personal, my rational for extending nolva instead of clomid...overall it seems to be a more gentle compound than clomid while still providing the same benefits. Clomid should still be included as it acts upon E2 receptors via a different mechanism than nolva, thereby give the user a more rounded and thorough therapy. My $0.02

  7. #7
    atrainwright's Avatar
    atrainwright is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    Great insight and totally agree with you

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