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Thread: When to use HCG

  1. #1
    acewoz is offline New Member
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    Jan 2013

    When to use HCG

    Sex: male
    Age: 25
    Body fat %: ~12%
    Height: 170cm
    Weight: 70kg / 155lbs
    Years training: 7
    Number of previous cycles: 2

    N.B. Libido is very important to me and I want to maximize it during my cycle, my PCT and my "off" time...

    I am about to run an 8 week cycle of test prop, stacked with anavar ...
    When would it be optimal to run HCG ... for how long and what doses? I've heard that if HCG is used wrongly, it may cause future libido dysfunction so I want to eliminate this risk by doing it safely...
    Would I need an AI for this cycle? And would I still PCT with clomid and tamox at the normal dose after using hcg?

    Any help would be GREATLY appreciated!

  2. #2
    MickeyKnox is offline Banned
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    250iu 2/wk on cycle. And yes include an AI on cycle. PCT is standard protocols.

    How tall are you?

  3. #3
    acewoz is offline New Member
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    Jan 2013
    I'm short... 170cm
    So i start HCG week one the day after my first prop pin? Then continue throughout my whole cycle until my last prop pin?
    Also - I've heard an AI can impede libido... how can I make sure this doesn't happen? What should I be monitoring when using my AI if I'm trying to find the optimal dose for me as an individual?

    I'm busy reading your detailed posts about HCG and PCT and am learning heaps already... they're great! Thanks

  4. #4
    MickeyKnox is offline Banned
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    Youre 5ft 6 and 155lbs.

    Thats too small bro. Sorry but i think you would benefit form a solid diet and exercise routine designed to put some mas on your small frame. And before you complain and try to convince me that youre not small, we have a Vet on here that is your height and is around 200lbs. Im not suggesting that you must be 200lbs, but i would like to see a little more mass before i continue handing out advice on how to do AAS.

    I hope you understand.

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  5. #5
    Join Date
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    With already doing two cycles...Im sure your gonna go ahead an do the third - however I agree with Mickey. Brother at 25, you are still young. Not saying to young for AAS but young enough that shit still works the way it -- stack your egg whites with steak and chicken. Not to gross anyone out but I even add grilled shrimp to Do weight training that youve never done before - or havent done in a while.... Killlllll those muscles....

    But if you do do the cycle - which as stated we all know you will (cause no one actually follows the advice they ask for unless its the advice they want to get lol) but yes 250IU twice a week .starting the first week and used through out...that will keep the boys afloat. As for when to stop - Im trying a new idea. Im not saying you should but I am. I continue HGC along with PCT. AGAIN I AM NOT SAYING TO DO THIS -- Im saying -- my source did it - liked it and we are best friends - so of course im trying it. I should also mention he once shot himself in the face with a roman candle so obviously not all his choices are good - but none the less I wanted to see if it worked as he said....

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Long Island
    Oh --- ELK/Moose meat. Google it, order it, pan fry it and get to love that shit. That will put muscle on your muscle.

    I had 3 burgers for lunch today Arms arleady feel better and Im recovering from the flu!

  7. #7
    Stosh_112's Avatar
    Stosh_112 is offline Productive Member
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    With a good amount of test in ur system libido shouldnt be a problem, As for Pct it can be a struggle till ur natty test gets back up to par. As for HCG causing a decrease in libido, i guess it effects diff people diff ways. I blasted HCG at 500iu's E3D for 2 wks for a PCT restart and after the second pin my libido was through the roof. If ur that worried about performance get some Cialis. Or Dont cycle at all.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    Long Island
    I agree....HGC boosts my libido instantly.

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