so i was running deca and for the first time Ive had prolactin issues. i got sore nipples. I got some letro on hand and prami. i did start the prami the day i noticed. i ran .125mg of prami for 4 days now im at .25mgED. just hit the .25 last night. i got some letro on hand. I was thinking of doing a 5 day letro blast to get the estro under control and get the prolactin under control quicker. I am running an AI, 12.5mg aromasin EOD. but i think with the prolactin getting out of hand i should also tackle any estrogen. since estrogen is like rocket fuel for prolactin.
what are your thoughts on the doing a letro blast and how should i run it if i do?
should i even consider doing a letro blast or just continue with what im doing?