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Thread: Dosage for HCG and Clomid

  1. #1

    Dosage for HCG and Clomid

    about to be running the genshi labs cut stack for the first time and need some help setting up my PCT due to the fact that there are mixed reviews on some products.

    1 ml/eod for 12 weeks.

    T. Propionate
    Trenbolon 150

    Now my question is for my PCT when should i start my HCG and which of these two should i do... liquid clomid or liquid arimidex

    What i've got now..

    3 days after last pin do liquid clomid and arimidex. for 1.5 months. Question is at which dosage should i do it at and should i be taking HCG all the way through my whole cycle?

  2. #2
    Bump for more replies =P

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by bigleggo1337 View Post
    about to be running the genshi labs cut stack for the first time and need some help setting up my PCT due to the fact that there are mixed reviews on some products.

    1 ml/eod for 12 weeks.

    T. Propionate
    Trenbolon 150

    Now my question is for my PCT when should i start my HCG and which of these two should i do... liquid clomid or liquid arimidex

    What i've got now..

    3 days after last pin do liquid clomid and arimidex. for 1.5 months. Question is at which dosage should i do it at and should i be taking HCG all the way through my whole cycle?
    Can you please describe your cycle history so ppl can offer more pertinent advice.

    The following is what most ppl will advise:

    Start HCG at beginning of cycle at 250mg 2x per week to eod. Use your arimidex on cycle, start at 0.25mg eod and adjust accordingly. Although you may need less as masteron possesses some anti-aromatase activity. Don't use arimidex during PCT (unless it's during an HCG blast, which most ppl here don't recommend anyway). Also no HCG during PCT is the consensus recommendation here. Get some tamoxifen and take 20mg per day for 4 to 6 weeks starting 2-3 days after your last injection although there's no harm in starting it sooner. At the same time you start the tamoxifen, start clomid at 50mg daily for 2 weeks, then 25mg daily for 2 more weeks. You will be taking the last two weeks of tamoxifen without clomid.

    It sounds like this may be your first cycle. If so, you may want to consider doing a bit more research as the questions you have are somewhat basic (please don't be offended) and easily answered on so many threads here. Please consider providing your stats and some background info, such as age, weight, bf%, years training (consecutively and total), cycle history, and diet. If you do, you will be very surprised at how many more responses you still get and how many ppl here willing to help.

    If you or anyone is interested, there's a article called "HCG - Human Chorionic Gonadotropin Use After Anabolic Steroid Cycles for Bodybuilding" by Eric Potratz (it can be readily found through Google) in which he advises 100mcg ed 7 days a week as ideal hcg use during a cycle. He says you can also use 200 units twice per week or 500 units once per week. HCG has about a 6 day half life so I can see why once a week is doable but I don't think it's ideal. He also says HCG should be started 7 days into a cycle, but any later and you will need increased doses he says.

    I'm not sure how I feel about the article. HE DOESN'T LIST ANY REFERENCES, which I typed in caps so this fact didn't get missed. The author is the founder of Primordial Performance, which mostly manufactured pro-hormones. They were recently raided by the FDA and are currently out of business. They were supposedly adding "secret ingredients" to their supplements that were unhealthy as well as selling some formulations that the FDA advised them not to sell.

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