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  1. #1
    djdigy is offline New Member
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    Nov 2009

    My first cycle and i need your suggestions for PCT

    Hi guys this will be my first cycle,i知 31 years old and 8 years into bodybuilding. Everybody recommended testo only cycle for the debut. i've started the cycle with 250ml testosterone enanthate . I just have 15 vials so i decided to to it like this(i'm open to any suggestion from experienced users). İ know 12 week is suggested but 10 week is not bad at all i think.

    Week 1 Testosteron Enanthate 250 ml
    Week 2 Testosteron Enanthate 250 ml
    Week 3 Testosteron Enanthate 250 ml
    Week 4 Testosteron Enanthate 500 ml
    Week 5 Testosteron Enanthate 500 ml
    Week 6 Testosteron Enanthate 500 ml
    Week 7 Testosteron Enanthate 500 ml
    Week 8 Testosteron Enanthate 500 ml
    Week 9 Testosteron Enanthate 250 ml
    Week 10 Testosteron Enanthate 250 ml

    Vitamin B complex pills, Milk Thistle and Vitamin C , Zinc during the cycle

    2 weeks after last injection i will start PCT :
    Week 1 Nolvadex 40mg + Clomid 50mg
    Week 2 Nolvadex 40mg + Clomid 50mg
    Week 3 Nolvadex 20mg + Clomid 50mg
    Week 4 Nolvadex 20mg + Clomid 50mg

    Here is the question

    1. Should i use arimidex or nolvadex as AI after week 4? Anastrozole (arimidex) is reportedly a more effective drug in combating estrogen-related concerns. This is because as an aromatase inhibitor it blocks the aromatase enzyme, thereby preventing the production of estrogen. Nolvadex, on the other hand, only hinders the action and not the production of this hormone.

    Estrogen and its effects (particularly water and fat retention) are absolutely detrimental to bodybuilding. Remember that this hormone is also responsible for muscle strength and gains. Consequently, it minimizes the occurrence of injury as it improves the ability of muscle fibers to withstand contractile tension or stress. Notice that one of the side effects of Anastrozole use (as mentioned below) is the likely occurrence of fractures, a major drawback of this drug

    Should i use nolvadex every day or arimidex (Anastrozole) Every other day during the cycle (after week 4) now? I know some start from the first week but i want to wait for any symptoms of Gyno. Am i correct? What is the correct way t oto this?

    2. Should i add HCG to my PCT? When and what doses?

    I値l be happy if you can help me, i知 newbie to steroids Thanks to all who helps

  2. #2
    inan_fener is offline New Member
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    PCT will apply similar. I wonder. Should the HCG ?

  3. #3
    kronik420's Avatar
    kronik420 is offline Anabolic Member
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    get more test, another 9 amps should do it

    use you AI and HCG while on cycle..

    PCT looks ok.

  4. #4
    djdigy is offline New Member
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    Nov 2009
    any help please for my first message?

  5. #5
    kronik420's Avatar
    kronik420 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by djdigy View Post
    any help please for my first message?
    if you haven't got enough gear to run a proper cycle then DON'T..

    you should always have more than what you need anyways, just in case....

    anyways to answer your questions, use arimidex starting week 1 at .25mg EOD, and HCG on cycle starting week 1 at 2x 250 IU's/week.

  6. #6
    pumping_iron's Avatar
    pumping_iron is offline Junior Member
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    If you're tapering and only for 10 weeks. Start at 250 for the first week run 500 for 7 and back down to 250 for 2 weeks. Make sure you have enough before you start pinning though.

  7. #7
    Freddyk1 is offline New Member
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    Dj, depending on how old you are, the fact that this is your first cycle, your receptors should be very sensitive to the test. If you diet, eat like a beast but clean, you will have great results. I have done a 250 mg cycle. I made great gains but it was 12 weeks.

  8. #8
    Granovich's Avatar
    Granovich is offline Senior Member
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    just get more test and run at 500mg EW
    dont taper up and down .
    good pct....i would run clomid at 100mg First 2 weeks then 50mg and last 2 weeks.

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