Ok I dont know if it was the gear or the injection..But my quad was badly infected and I entered the hospital last Tuesday and will just be getting discharged today.. They said that if i wouldnt have came when I did I would have lost my leg...

Point being I was unable to get to my get gear so I had to quit I have liquid clomid at the house waiting on me

Whats the best pct for a short cycle should I just do a normal pct or does it change any

I am 200 lbs 5 foot 8

I used test prop 100mg EOD and 30 mg of Anavar daily so I had about six weeks in I came into the hospital Tuesday so Im starting pct as soon as I get hope since it was short ester....I wish I could have started it sooner or kept my cycle going but being in here has hindered everything..

Any advice please on how what pct to use with Clomid

I know i usually start out with 100mcg a day for the first week past that I have forgot

Please any help or advice would be deeply appreciated I was getting good gains and leaning out a lot and then BOOM this came along