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Thread: what to expect ? first pct lol

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2012

    what to expect ? first pct lol

    started my pct today just wondering what i should be expecting ?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    USA-New Jersey
    Keep good diet
    Up your carbs and calories as a whole a little
    And workout good. And sleep well
    Take your vitamins ans hopefully you can keep most of the gains if not all
    I have heard doing IGF-LR3 help keep gains...

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    calgary alberta canada
    My first was a breeze and I foolishly stayed on 16 Hcg. Everyone's different but stay optimistic and keep diet up avoid alcohol.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2012
    What about using letro in pct if get I lil gyno from this cycle ?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by jrlabat View Post
    What about using letro in pct if get I lil gyno from this cycle ?
    have you got gyno?

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    A rock & a hard place
    Quote Originally Posted by jrlabat
    What about using letro in pct if get I lil gyno from this cycle ?
    If your cycle was done with a proper AI and you are using a correct PCT, gyno shouldn't be a concern.


  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2012
    i had a junk ai from purity solutions an got a lil gyno but soon as i noticed it i bought stane from ar-r an it never got worse i even ran nova at 10 mg ed during cycle it helped the gyno i lil but its still there ? what you think i should do

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Pct differs for everyone. Keep your calories high/clean and your workouts brief but intense. You will most likely crash between week 2 and 3. This is when you really need to dig in and remember that you aren't going to hold on to all of your gains and accept whatever percentage you end up with (could be 50%, could be 75%) you need to remember what you started with! All said and done, I try to maintain the weight that I was at during the height of my previous cycle. If you retain 50%, be happy!!!!
    As far as the gyno goes, check out the letro/gyno thread and read thoroughly. My brother tried the letro protocol for gyno and it dried him up.

  9. #9
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    When you say dryed him what you mean ??

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by jrlabat View Post
    When you say dryed him what you mean ??
    The lump disappeared.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Nov 2012
    Well today's day 6 an I feel tired as **** for some reason felt great the first 5 days hope this didn't last

  12. #12
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    He was tired too. Your estrogen levels are probably really low (letro) but you need to take care of that problem the right way. He didn't feel bad the first few days and then it hit him.

  13. #13
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    Nov 2012
    Well it's day 9 an gyno seems to be gonna witch is good , but i feel like ****ing shit lol I'm so tired , I only lost a pound so for but look a lot smaller in my eyes , do any of y'all have a loss of wanting to eat anything ? I use to put down 3800 cals like nothing now I'm always full

  14. #14
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    The appetite seems to diminish a bit but you still have to eat. Eating is so important because your body is in a state of catabolism and needs to be fed. You will most likely lose all the weight you are going to lose around week 3 but everyone is different. Need to fight that tired feeling and keep your training up, it's going to be a tough month!

  15. #15
    Sorry to jump in but im gonna be on 500 mg of test e will i feel like total shit on pct???????

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by Buster Brown
    The appetite seems to diminish a bit but you still have to eat. Eating is so important because your body is in a state of catabolism and needs to be fed. You will most likely lose all the weight you are going to lose around week 3 but everyone is different. Need to fight that tired feeling and keep your training up, it's going to be a tough month!
    Im still eating my same macros as I Was on cycle 310 -p/450c/85f it just harder to get down .. I think it's more your mind in pct , I tell my self every day my muscles moved the weight with the drugs they can do it without! Today's workout was good

  17. #17
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    Nov 2012
    An thanks buster you been helping me out pretty much this whole cycle

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by Portcityjbird
    Sorry to jump in but im gonna be on 500 mg of test e will i feel like total shit on pct???????
    You mite not feel like shit man but you be tried , it's more mental if you ask me an the clomid ****s with my mood , I find my self wanting to cry. More lol

  19. #19
    Even with an estrogen blocker??you geel like crying

  20. #20
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    Nov 2012
    Idk what this means buti hope it stays around!! Haven't been tried at all today I feel good an iv made pr's 2 days in a row

  21. #21
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    Nov 2012
    Well 16 days in to pct only lost 2 pounds feeling pretty dam good but then the worst thing is starting to happen my dick won't say hard it went soft in the middle of sex !!! I need help/ideas on how to fix this

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by jrlabat
    Well 16 days in to pct only lost 2 pounds feeling pretty dam good but then the worst thing is starting to happen my dick won't say hard it went soft in the middle of sex !!! I need help/ideas on how to fix this
    Are u still one letro? If you are I can guarantee you that your estrogen levels are crashed.

  23. #23
    Hang in there brother!!

  24. #24
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    Nov 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by Fllifter

    Are u still one letro? If you are I can guarantee you that your estrogen levels are crashed.
    No man I stopped the letro the gyno is gone .. I started feeling a lot better after stopping it ,,

  25. #25
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    Try liquid Cialis and have you been taking tribulus? My brother went through the same thing and that seems to work for him (no, he's not a member here). Between the letro and the tren, recovery is hard (no way around it). Did you run the tes longer then the tren or stop them at the same time? Yeah, that clomid is tough with the mood swings, that's why I switched to Torem.

  26. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by Buster Brown View Post
    Try liquid Cialis and have you been taking tribulus? My brother went through the same thing and that seems to work for him (no, he's not a member here). Between the letro and the tren, recovery is hard (no way around it). Did you run the tes longer then the tren or stop them at the same time? Yeah, that clomid is tough with the mood swings, that's why I switched to Torem.
    torem is awesome
    clomid is horrible , it makes you act like a woman! super sensitive

  27. #27
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  28. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by Buster Brown
    Try liquid Cialis and have you been taking tribulus? My brother went through the same thing and that seems to work for him (no, he's not a member here). Between the letro and the tren, recovery is hard (no way around it). Did you run the tes longer then the tren or stop them at the same time? Yeah, that clomid is tough with the mood swings, that's why I switched to Torem.
    No , I didn't run the test longer than the tren ,an I feel I lil moody not much tho . An I started taking cialis 3 days ago .. It's getting worse fast I couldn't get a hard on at all today

  29. #29
    my first PCT went pretty good. i don't lose all my gains but i do lost my strength (somehow lol). just make sure you eat like u bulk and rest well.. that should work..

  30. #30
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    You are experiencing a crash and your hormone levels have bottomed out. Did you run HCG on your cycle, this would have aided in recovery. I haven't experienced ED to the extreme that you are describing even when I didn't do a Pct (back in the 90's) so I don't want to give you bad information. I would PM one of the vets/mods, tell them your story and see if they can get a better plan together for you to put you back on track. No matter what, your sex life is going to have to be put on the back burner for a little while. Whatever advice you do get, you are going to need to be patient for results.

  31. #31
    Join Date
    Mar 2013

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