Just started my cycle of epidrol...I know this is a very mild DS/PH just have a few questions.. I'll also be taking this with kre-akyln and hawthorn berries. maybe milk thistle too.
10 mg on first day
day 2 - 7 ill be doing 20mg/day - 1 pill in morning before breakfast and 1 at night on empty stomach
weeks 2-5 ill be doing 30mg/day - 1 pill in morning before breakfast, 1 before lunch, 1 at end of night.
week 6 ill be doing 40mg/day - 1 pill in morning before breakfast, 1 before mid day snack, 1 sometime before dinner, 1 before bed
PCT will consist of just clomid
Clomid - 50/50/25/25
fish oil, multi (always), creatine, milk thistle
My question is do i wait a week after day 60 to start PCT or do i start it immediately, day 61?
And Please do not hesitate to criticize if i'm not doing something correctly i'd like for this to go as smooth as possible. Any advice is helpful! thank you