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  1. #1
    ecs05 is offline New Member
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    Apr 2013

    Quick question on my PCT

    Just started my cycle of epidrol...I know this is a very mild DS/PH just have a few questions.. I'll also be taking this with kre-akyln and hawthorn berries. maybe milk thistle too.

    10 mg on first day
    day 2 - 7 ill be doing 20mg/day - 1 pill in morning before breakfast and 1 at night on empty stomach
    weeks 2-5 ill be doing 30mg/day - 1 pill in morning before breakfast, 1 before lunch, 1 at end of night.
    week 6 ill be doing 40mg/day - 1 pill in morning before breakfast, 1 before mid day snack, 1 sometime before dinner, 1 before bed


    PCT will consist of just clomid

    Clomid - 50/50/25/25
    fish oil, multi (always), creatine, milk thistle


    My question is do i wait a week after day 60 to start PCT or do i start it immediately, day 61?

    And Please do not hesitate to criticize if i'm not doing something correctly i'd like for this to go as smooth as possible. Any advice is helpful! thank you

  2. #2
    Granovich's Avatar
    Granovich is offline Senior Member
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    i dont think you will get question for this here
    PH is horrible and you shouldnt do it.
    it ****ed alot of people up and im one of them
    i would start pct a day after finishing the PH. since its oral and probably should be treated as oral AAS like winstrol

  3. #3
    ecs05 is offline New Member
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    Apr 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by Granovich View Post
    i dont think you will get question for this here
    PH is horrible and you shouldnt do it.
    it ****ed alot of people up and im one of them
    i would start pct a day after finishing the PH. since its oral and probably should be treated as oral AAS like winstrol
    Wow.. you're the first person to tell me this stuff would mess me up. from what i hear its very mild. i've taken dbol stacked with test and my pct consisted of nolva and clomid but i was lazy on the pct. still don't know if it really has affected me but that was about a year ago.

  4. #4
    Granovich's Avatar
    Granovich is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by ecs05 View Post
    Wow.. you're the first person to tell me this stuff would mess me up. from what i hear its very mild. i've taken dbol stacked with test and my pct consisted of nolva and clomid but i was lazy on the pct. still don't know if it really has affected me but that was about a year ago.
    really ?
    ask question about pH cycle in the questions and answers and see how many experienced guys will tell you not to touch it
    its crazy cuz i never fully recovered from it
    it just messes everything up
    worst that AAS

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