Hi, I am not new to PH'S, but I am new to ancillaries. What PCT would be recommended with the Titan Stack and the Beast Stack? I'm looking to get this all ordered within the next week and want to be fully prepared. I'm gonna do one and then the other down the road a little ways. I did a 6 week cycle a long time ago of mdrol and tren, it was my 1st cycle and was a bad experience since I didnt realize how strong it was and didnt even know what PCT was. I've done several cycles of different things since then and always used the off the shelf PCT products, but dealt with sides, mild gyno, etc, so I need guidance. Here is what I've come up with so far, any opinions on if this is ok or if I'm missing anything would be appreciated. Thanks.

Nolva 40mg/day 1st 2 weeks
Clomid 100 mg/day 1st 2 weeks
Nolva 20mg/day weeks 3-4
Clomid 50mg/day weeks 3-4
TrueNutrition testosterone booster
TrueNutrition Multivitamin
Cellucor NO3
Beta Alanine
Fish Oilw2