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Thread: Need help

  1. #1

    Need help

    Is started deca and test I'm doing 250 test and 200 for 8 weeks that any good ..what's a good pct that I can take ???sorry I'm 1st cycle

  2. #2
    250 test?? Can u not afford more or u scared to do more (not bein a dick asking honestly) cuz u need to prolly double both ur test and deca... Wouldn't hurt to have caber on hand for deca

  3. #3
    Look at swifto's sticky on pct

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    Dking....whats your experience with AAS? He can most definantly get some gains off of 250Mg Test/Week and doesn't have to Double his dose.

    Torres....I think you should stop the cycle immediately since it appears you have NO idea of what to do, and haven't researched ANYTHING.

    use clomid at 100Mg for 2 weeks Followed By 50mg for 2.

    Also use Tamoxifen at 40 40 20 20

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