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Thread: PCT always necessary?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2013

    PCT always necessary?

    After 9 weeks of 500/test C, I waited 2 weeks and now have been 2 weeks on pct with clomid and tamox. I never felt any different or anything out of the ordinary the whole time. Is it always necesarry to do a month of PCT on just a short test cycle when everything seems fine? I'm anxious to start my next. No I havent done bw

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    The Matrix
    Yes. Always. My first 6 or so cycles did not include PCT and I lost a lot of my gains every time. Only because I did not know what PCT was, had never heard of it (early 90's). Now that you have the internet at your command it's foolish not to do PCT. IMO.

  3. #3
    Hey I'm new here but no its not everyone is dif I'm doing a low dose of 350 of test e a week and getting good gains and I've been on it for 8 weeks with no probe yet but really like I said everyone's not that same!

  4. #4
    Just have some clomid just in case!

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by RT2011 View Post
    Hey I'm new here but no its not everyone is dif I'm doing a low dose of 350 of test e a week and getting good gains and I've been on it for 8 weeks with no probe yet but really like I said everyone's not that same!
    Who the hell are you to be giving out advice? You need to stop. What are you even talking about? PCT is post cycle therapy. If you're on your cycle, you haven't ran PCT. If you are talking about running an AI, just wait, that shit will catch up to you. Maybe not at that dose but any higher and you are playing with fire.

    YES, it is imperative that you run PCT after any cycle - regardless of duration or dosage!

  6. #6
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    Is it necessary? NO! Is it a damn good idea? YES!

  7. #7
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    If you want to lose all your gains and have a limp di*k and feel shit for a long time just to name a few then don't do a pct'

  8. #8
    Im having a hard time finding pct products, can anyone help


  9. #9
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    Mar 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by machz69
    Im having a hard time finding pct products, can anyone help

    Click on the banner top right Ar-r.

    They have everything you need.

  10. #10
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    Mar 2013
    Alrighty, sounds good guys. I'll wait to start again after I finish the pct. I appreciate your advice

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by WMSuperSport View Post
    Alrighty, sounds good guys. I'll wait to start again after I finish the pct. I appreciate your advice
    Wait to start what?

    Time off = time on + PCT. It's pointless to go off and then go through pct and then hop right back on.

  12. #12
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    Mar 2013
    Ah shit. I thought keep cycles short(8-12wks)? Then PCT, then cycle again?

    Whats the better way to do it? Longer cycle and longer off time, or short cycle + same time off +PCT?

  13. #13
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    Many prefer to run short esters as you can run shorter cycles because it takes less time for the drugs to build up in your body. I do something similar to that.

  14. #14
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    So are you saying short esters, short cycles, same length+pct time off, repeat?

  15. #15
    Quote Originally Posted by Back In Black View Post
    Click on the banner top right Ar-r.

    They have everything you need.
    Hi again, sorry to be a noob but I had a look and I'm looking for hcg, nolvadex or clomid, not sure if it's under different names but didn't see anything on that site?


  16. #16
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    Liquid Clomi and liquid tamox is what they have

  17. #17
    Is there some place I can get some that's not liquid?

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by machz69 View Post
    Is there some place I can get some that's not liquid?
    Hey Macho, please slow down and start your own thread. I had to learn this lesson also. You are disrespecting the OP (WMsuper...) and taking away from us concentrating on helping him. Who do I answer on this post you or him sort of thing, ya know. So it's ok but ya need to go to Q &* A and start one and you will get all the answers straight away. Good luck. ...crazy mike

    Or here but your own Q' cool.

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by WMSuperSport View Post
    Ah shit. I thought keep cycles short(8-12wks)? Then PCT, then cycle again?

    Whats the better way to do it? Longer cycle and longer off time, or short cycle + same time off +PCT?
    Hi, with all respect and kindness I say, it seems you need to do more search. It's difficult to answer some Q's when you don't have a clear understanding. You can look up what PCT is all about, what is stands for , what to use, how and when. You need to know what where and when to plug in Ai. An anti-aromatase inhibitor and what that means if you are not clear. Good luck, stay with us and do some good research, you'll know more because you will understand the why's behind it. ...crazy mike

    A 12 week cycle is typical, not short for most.

  20. #20
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    CrazyMike, thank you. I do need to research more. It's all I do when I'm not at work or the gym. I get on this computer and read, read, read, search search search. Mostly on this site. I'm determined to learn and understand as much as I can. There's so many different opionions on every little thing, so it takes alot of filtering and really digging, figuring out where that info came from and how it came about. I don't believe everything I read or hear, so 1 little detail on something can take days to really understand.

    I use L-dex recommended dose .25mg EOD, and I'm on the end of week 2 pct, tamox, clomid. After partying pretty hard this past weekend, I've felt very sluggish and slightly unusually emotional sometimes, for 5 days now. I'm guessing that over doing it for a few days, combined with being on PCT may be causing this "turd" feeling?

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by WMSuperSport View Post
    CrazyMike, thank you. I do need to research more. It's all I do when I'm not at work or the gym. I get on this computer and read, read, read, search search search. Mostly on this site. I'm determined to learn and understand as much as I can. There's so many different opionions on every little thing, so it takes alot of filtering and really digging, figuring out where that info came from and how it came about. I don't believe everything I read or hear, so 1 little detail on something can take days to really understand.

    I use L-dex recommended dose .25mg EOD, and I'm on the end of week 2 pct, tamox, clomid. After partying pretty hard this past weekend, I've felt very sluggish and slightly unusually emotional sometimes, for 5 days now. I'm guessing that over doing it for a few days, combined with being on PCT may be causing this "turd" feeling?
    Yep the party will end and then you're left in a deficit. What goes up, ya're on track it seems. just don't jump out there without the research and the help ,of your friends on here ...crazy mike

  22. #22
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    Does usually everything return to normal after 4-5 weeks of PCT?

    Is this feeling a sign that I've not yet customized my PCT to my body conditions, or is this just normal PCT feeling?

  23. #23
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    I hope I didn't mislead you. I can't help with PCT, no personal experience.

  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by WMSuperSport View Post
    Does usually everything return to normal after 4-5 weeks of PCT?

    Is this feeling a sign that I've not yet customized my PCT to my body conditions, or is this just normal PCT feeling?
    You're body will take longer than that to stabilize but you should be headed back in the right direction and in most cases your body will recover. You might take it easy on the partying to prevent that "turd" feeling. I know when I'm hungover I feel guilty/anxious/nervous about absolutely nothing and you don't really want to have that going on when you may already be feeling emotional from PCT.

  25. #25
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    Thanks JWP. I read its time off = time on + pct, But I'm anxious to start getting results again!

    It's funny how since I've come off, I still have gotten compliments about getting gains from 3 unrelated people lately, but I don't feel like it when I was on test. Either they're just being nice, or my much-improved diet and recently adding creatine has helped, even being off cycle. Thanks guys
    Last edited by WMSuperSport; 06-01-2013 at 06:52 PM. Reason: spelling

  26. #26
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    Yeah, it's always nice when other people notice your progress. You can do whatever you want as far as going back on but I'm just telling you that it does no good for you to come off for 2 weeks and run PCT and get back on.

    How old are you?

  27. #27
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    30yo, 6'2", 215, Guessing ~17%bf, lifting off/on 7 years. Definitely more serious than ever now.

    I hate to ask because I know I need to research more, but would you tell me what you advise?

    *When would you recommend I go back on?
    *How long would you run Test/Deca after a test only cycle?

    Almost seems the more I research these questions to find out the best answer, the more confused I'm getting, because of conflicting opinions.
    Last edited by WMSuperSport; 06-01-2013 at 09:47 PM.

  28. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by WMSuperSport View Post
    30yo, 6'2", 215, Guessing ~17%bf, lifting off/on 7 years. Definitely more serious than ever now.

    I hate to ask because I know I need to research more, but would you tell me what you advise?

    *When is good to go back on?
    *How long to run Test/Deca?

    Almost seems the more I research these questions to find out the best answer, the more confused I'm getting.

    ^^ Yep! You really are doing your research then!

  29. #29
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    (Time on cycle + time on PCT) = Time off to let your natural systems stabilize.

    make sure you don't change your workouts or diet drastically. You won't feel like going to the gym for the first month or so after PCT. Fight that. Go anyways. I've seen a lot of people who just stop working out altogether if they aren't cycling. Stupid, I know but ppl do it.

  30. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by WMSuperSport View Post
    30yo, 6'2", 215, Guessing ~17%bf, lifting off/on 7 years. Definitely more serious than ever now.

    I hate to ask because I know I need to research more, but would you tell me what you advise?

    *When is good to go back on?
    *How long to run Test/Deca?

    Almost seems the more I research these questions to find out the best answer, the more confused I'm getting.
    Typically 12-16 weeks. Deca is very long lasting in the body and takes a while to kick in/get out so cycles are a bit longer than test only.

  31. #31
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    I appreciate the info.

    What I meant by "getting more confused" is because people have different opinions and techniques on everything!
    I was asking for their personal opinion but I didn't type it right.

    Thanks for answering my questions and I'll keep researching

  32. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by WMSuperSport View Post
    30yo, 6'2", 215, Guessing ~17%bf, lifting off/on 7 years. Definitely more serious than ever now.

    I hate to ask because I know I need to research more, but would you tell me what you advise?

    *When would you recommend I go back on?
    *How long would you run Test/Deca after a test only cycle?

    Almost seems the more I research these questions to find out the best answer, the more confused I'm getting, because of conflicting opinions.
    There is so much information out there, it's hard to keep your head on straight at first. When I was starting out on researching I would go on to and research every profile for the compounds of interest. The website offers some great information on the compounds and has cycle suggestions, info on SERMs and SARMs, PCT, etc. I spent a lot of time there and compared it to information that I found on this site. I've been a member here for almost 8 years because I feel that this forum and website has the best information available on the internet. As you learn more, you will begin to form your own opinions and techniques.

    I found the following two links as very good starting points and then just continued to learn from reading posts on the forum.
    Cycles: Steroid Cycles and Stacks - Steroid .com
    Steroid profiles: Steroid Profiles - Steroid .com

  33. #33
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    Man I feel dumb I havent come across the cycles and stacks link yet. I've read the profile 1 a few times. Like you said above, I can't keep my damn head straight. I'll research one question and trail off into a million other things, most of the time.

    This site is obviously the best out of the ones Ive read from, and that's why I come here to study and ask questions when I get too anxious to research the answer. Even not knowing much about this stuff I can tell this place has some knowledgeable people I trust for info about what I do to myself.

    Thanks man
    Last edited by WMSuperSport; 06-01-2013 at 10:45 PM.

  34. #34
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    Yeah, that's why I say use those links to learn about compounds and develop cycles and then ask questions on here to fill in the gaps.

  35. #35
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    Lesson learned

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