Just would like someone to break down for me why hcg on cycle is preferred. I get the fact that it keeps the testies functioning and that it helps to jump start your production after you finish your cycle. But since you are taking exogenous test you don't need to produce any at that time.
What threw me is a Rich Piana video I watched. His opinion is that test tells your body to stop producing and hcg tells it to start. That contradicts each other. And he says to use it after you are finished pinning the test. The man seems knowledgeable and has been in the game for a long time. He also says he doesn't use an ai until he feels some sides. I realize that everyone is different and reacts differently to chemicals.
He actually bashes what is always said on here. Which is hcg/ai on, and nolv/clomid off.
Would just like to hear what you guys have to say about him and his opinion. He claims the internet is full of followers that read other peoples crap and pass it on without actually experiencing anything to know what they're talking about. " His words not mine"
I am not trying to offend anyone. Just trying to educate myself as much as possible before cycling. And with some of these topics its like you can read in circles all day and still wonder who's right. lol It's like nutrition everyone has a different theory. Thanks guys.
Would like to hear from some people who have been in the game for years 10+. And have tried cycles just about every way possible. Who can share their experiences with different pct types.
If you want to watch the video. Youtube Rich Piana and watch the PCT video.