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Thread: Why is HCG better on cycle then for pct?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    WV, USA

    Why is HCG better on cycle then for pct?

    Just would like someone to break down for me why hcg on cycle is preferred. I get the fact that it keeps the testies functioning and that it helps to jump start your production after you finish your cycle. But since you are taking exogenous test you don't need to produce any at that time.

    What threw me is a Rich Piana video I watched. His opinion is that test tells your body to stop producing and hcg tells it to start. That contradicts each other. And he says to use it after you are finished pinning the test. The man seems knowledgeable and has been in the game for a long time. He also says he doesn't use an ai until he feels some sides. I realize that everyone is different and reacts differently to chemicals.

    He actually bashes what is always said on here. Which is hcg/ai on, and nolv/clomid off.

    Would just like to hear what you guys have to say about him and his opinion. He claims the internet is full of followers that read other peoples crap and pass it on without actually experiencing anything to know what they're talking about. " His words not mine"

    I am not trying to offend anyone. Just trying to educate myself as much as possible before cycling. And with some of these topics its like you can read in circles all day and still wonder who's right. lol It's like nutrition everyone has a different theory. Thanks guys.

    Would like to hear from some people who have been in the game for years 10+. And have tried cycles just about every way possible. Who can share their experiences with different pct types.

    If you want to watch the video. Youtube Rich Piana and watch the PCT video.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    Read my blog
    Low-dose human chorionic gonadotropi... [J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2005] - PubMed - NCBI
    "Low-dose human chorionic gonadotropin maintains intratesticular testosterone in normal men with testosterone-induced gonadotropin suppression."

    That paper explains why to use HCG on cycle. What is important to maintain testicular function is NOT the levels of test in the blood but the levels of test in the testes. When your nuts shrink, its b/c of the lack of testosterone in the testes. Keeping the ITT level up is what maintains function, and prevents issues in the future.

    Yes, while on cycle test production stops due to feedback. But it stops it at the pituitary (the P in the HPTA). Using HCG bypasses the pituitary because it acts like LH (released by the pituitary) in the body. So from the testes point of view, it is still getting the signal to produce test and never actually stops production.

    Just watched the video... He doesnt talk about PCT at all... the only comment he made was about HCG, which is maily BS. It worked for him, so he thinks it works like that for everyone. The amounts of HCG he takes and when he takes it is very unreliable. They talk about using AAS and not affecting them in the future, and the old guy claims this.. but what he doesnt realize is that he has a script for test, most likely for TRT.. so yes it did affect him in his future.
    As for "your body adjusts to drugs" is a misguided statement. The body adjusts to supraphysiologic doses of test by upregulating the AR (androgen receptor), it doesnt build "resistance" like he claims, it just takes more to get the same increases which continued usage. All-in-all.. not a great video, IMO.

    a tip for deciphering who is right and who is BS-ing is easily remedied by one thing, look for scientific backup w/ studies that support their claim. One great thing about this site, is that most of the knowledgable vets here do so, and can provide this sort of backup to their claims.

    There are several threads on HCG, one by myself, and another by Swifto * Pretty sure* that are very informative. Best thing to do is keep reading and learning, and dont be afraid to ask questions.. but dont expect to be spoon fed information, you will get a much better response if you follow the same format you did in this thread where you state something that you have read and ask questions regarding the issue at hand.

  3. #3
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    Mar 2008
    In short maintaining testicular function during your cycle is better than being shut down for 10-12 weeks and risking testicular disfunction. You body lh production is inhibited during your cycle becuase of administering exogenous testosterone. Lh begins being produced quickly after the androgens have left the system but if the testies have been shut down for 10-12 weeks who knows how long it will take them to respond. If they have been functioning during the cycle IMO they will respond much faster

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by jim230027 View Post
    In short maintaining testicular function during your cycle is better than being shut down for 10-12 weeks and risking testicular disfunction. You body lh production is inhibited during your cycle becuase of administering exogenous testosterone. Lh begins being produced quickly after the androgens have left the system but if the testies have been shut down for 10-12 weeks who knows how long it will take them to respond. If they have been functioning during the cycle IMO they will respond much faster
    I think it is safe to say many people's experience supports this.
    I would agree.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    WV, USA
    Thank you guys for the break down. I have been reading for months on everything. After awhile its starts to jumble up and get overwhelming. I appreciate you guys taking the time to put it in laymen terms for me. I respect all the vets opinions and am glad for the info.

    I do not expect to be spoon fed. Will certainly do more and more reading. But it's nice to have occasional help along the way.

    Plus, I am not knowledgeable on this stuff. So the only way for myself to get known is to ask questions.

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